Mit Nik Bärtsch und Andrea Pfisterer
24./25. September 2022, Tanzhaus Zürich
Präsenz- und Flowtraining gepaart mit Rhythmus-Bewusstsein
Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen, die interessiert sind an kreativen Körper-Techniken, Rhythmus-Relationen und musikalischen Bewegungs-Meditationen – unabhängig vom Status als Amateur:in, professionelle Musikschaffende:r oder Student:in.
Wir werden an fundamentalen Aspekten von funktionalem Bewegen arbeiten, die relevant sind für Performer:innen und Menschen mit Fokus auf Bewegung wie Tänzer:innen, Musiker:innen oder Kampfkünstler:innen.
• Ausdehnung und Entspannung
• präsent und geerdet bleiben
• Zentrums-basierte Bewegung
• die Balance unter Druck bewahren
• Flow und Flexibilität
• Fokus und Bewusstheit
• Kontakt und Interaktion
Rhythmus-, Präsenz- und Reaktions-Training in der Gruppe und als Gruppen-Organismus: Klatsch- und Shaker-Kreise, Pattern und Zyklen-Übungen.
Wir beginnen die Workshop-Tage mit einer 20 minütigen Meditation. Bewegungs- und Rhythmus-Meditationen sind auch Teil der Trainings-Einheiten.
Samstag 24. September 2022
10.00 - 18.00 Uhr
(Pause von 60 Minuten)
Sonntag 25. September 2022
10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
(Pause von 60 Minuten)
Tanzhaus Zürich Hauptsaal
Wasserwerkstrasse 129, Bühne 2 (3. Stock)
8037 Zürich
– Workshop in Deutsch (oder Englisch)
– Limitierte Workshop Kapazität
– Keine musikalische Erfahrung notwendig
Nik Bärtsch
Arbeitet als Pianist und Komponist an seiner RITUAL GROOVE MUSIC. Leader des Zenfunk-Quartetts RONIN und der Musik-Ritual-Gruppe MOBILE. Lehrauftrag für ‘Praktische Ästhetik’ an der Musikhochschule ZH/Winterthur. Interesse am Einfluss und der Kombination von Musik und Bewegung, im speziellen von Aikido, Feldenkrais, Gyrotonic. Nik trainiert im Kokoro Aikido Dojo Zürich.
Residencies, Workshops und Lectures an versch. Institutionen: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance London (UK), Musikhochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig (DE), Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (CH)
TEDx "Listening as a state of presence in music and martial arts":
Masterclasse Interview Part 1:
Andrea Pfisterer
Arbeitet als Aikido-Lehrerin (4. Dan) in ihrem eigenen Dojo und gibt internationale Seminare
Sie ist Shiatsu-Therapeutin mit einem PhD in Biologie.
David Suivez
Play-Fight with Bruno Caverna (BRA)
Play-Fight is one of the pillars of Formless Arts.
Find more information here:
The practice weaves physicality with movement philosophy, shedding awareness into the unconscious resistances towards the gravitational force and the pervasive fear of falling (physically and existentially) that appears as an inherent human condition. Tensions and adversities are necessary frictions to spark evolution and growth, however when stagnated, accumulated and suppressed below the conscious radar, it may potentially turn out into traumatic events, the source for a myriad of dysfunctionalities externalized on the body-mind system.
The physical drills, orientated in playfulness, focus on recognizing, acknowledging and recycling those harmful lifelong storage of unnecessary hidden tensions and blockages into a self-empowerment cultivation.Play-Fight Practice also regards the ecology of life as an inherent and inescapable interplay between cooperation and confrontation. The practice's overall aim is to integrate such a dichotomy into one fertile ground for the exploration of a dynamic balance in between such oppositions.
The presence of an engaging partner is vital to ignite the mirror effect, the weaving-thread that permeates through all physical exercises and drills. By cultivating a tactful and honest confrontation, our vulnerabilities, fears, denials, escapisms and blind spots are reciprocally revealed in the bodies. As part of the process we serve to each other as a metaphorical lighthouse, like a point of navigation that supports and nourishes individual's excavation into the depths of our own inner sea of obfuscated resistances, all the way to the roots.
11 - 12 June 2022
10am - 6pm (2h break)
Tanzhaus Zürich
Studio 2
8037 Zürich
180 CHF for professional dancers or students
180 CHF early bird
210 CHF regular
Movement Masterclass w/ Ralf Assmann (CH)
Auf dem Weg der Verkörperung von Lebensthemen und Bewusstseinszuständen. Auf der Suche nach dem Flow von Körper, Gefühlen und Gedanken. Das Kommunikationsrepertoire der Innen- und Aussenschau wird inspiriert durch Techniken aus Performance, Anna Halprin, Play-fight und Butoh.
Keine tänzerischen Vorkenntnisse nötig.
Dafür Neugier und Offenheit zur Inspiration.
Ralf legt grossen Wert auf ein gutes Warm-up, was den Körper dehnt, die Muskulatur flexibel macht, den Kreislauf aktiviert und auch den kinästhetischen, räumlichen- und Gruppensinn schärft. Dazu gehören Gruppendynamische Übungen, die unsere Wahrnehmung und Achtsamkeit steigern und uns mehr mit uns selbst und unserem Gegenüber in Verbindung bringen.
In einem Wechselspiel zwischen subtilen Bewegungstechniken und sich daraus entwickelnden Improvisation, engen und weiten wir unseren eigenen Freiheitsbegriff aus und ein. In der Bewegungsforschung forschen wir mit Nähe und Distanz, mit äusseren und inneren Grenzen und reflektieren das erlebte in Dialogen und der Gruppe miteinander.
Am Ende Kreisen wir jeweils bestimmte Elemente des bis dahin erlebten ein, mit denen du vorher am meisten resoniert hast. Performativ teilen wir voreinander ein paar Essenzen des Tages, als Destillate von dem was du für dich herausziehst und gern mitnehmen möchtest, in deinen Alltag. Dies kann absichtsvoll mit Intention und einen rituellen Charakter haben oder offen gestaltet, improvisiert sein im Moment. Es soll vorallem Spass machen was wir tun und dürfen wir uns gegenseitig inspirieren.
Ralf Assmann
Geboren 1984 in Karl-Marx-Stadt (jetzt Chemnitz), lebt Ralf seit vielen Jahren freischaffend als Künstler (Performer, Maskenbauer und Singer/Songwriter) in Bern.
Ralf ist an einer Art zu denken interessiert, die vom Körper und einem sinnlichen, direkten erfahren der Welt ausgeht. Er sucht in seinem vielseitigen Arbeiten nach der Fähigkeit, auf die Wirklichkeit in der wir leben bewusst zuzugehen und eine neue innere und äussere Wirklichkeit damit auszurufen. In seiner Arbeit ist Ralf spezialisiert auf das bauen von rituellen Masken, das begleiten von Menschen in künstlerischen Prozessen und im initiieren von Kunst- und Performanceprojekten zu Klima- und ökologisch brisanten Themen. 2017 gründete er dasTanzKunstWerk, einen achtsam-kreativen Kunst- & Tanzraum in den Berner VIDMARhallen. Seine Lehrer*innen waren: Anna Halprin (Life/Art Process), Minako Seki (Seki Method), Matteo Tangi (Playfight), Ko Murobushi (Butoh) und andere.
Ralfs unterrichten ist inspiriert von jahrelangem Training in Martial Arts, Breathwork, Tanzimprovisation, Rhythmus-, Stimmarbeit und Körperwahrnehmung wo intuitiv und gezielt in den Workshop mit hineinfliessen.
Samstag 5.12.20
Sonntag 6.12.20
13.00 - 17.00
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
CHF 180.- Reguläre Teilnehmer
CHF 150.- Early Bird Anmeldung (bis Ende November) und Profitänzer
Movement Masterclass w/ Nathalie Kuttel (CH)
“Verkörperte Simulation in Bewegung”
Nathalie’s Interesse ist die Arbeit mit Tieren, ob mit ihrem Chihuahua Zyva oder mit Gänsen. Seit ein paar Jahren ist sie leidenschaftlich an Tintenfischen interessiert und arbeitete mehrere Monate lang in der zoologischen Station in Neapel. Sie denkt über szenische Vorrichtungen nach, um sich ihnen zu nähern, zu verstehen und um sich mit diesen ganz besonderen Tieren auszutauschen. Als Tochter eines Präparators wuchs sie mit Stofftieren auf. Die Nase über offenen Tier Leichen haltend, versuchte sie schon damals, Informationen über das Leben und wie es funktioniert zu sammeln. Ihre Vorliebe war damals eher unbeliebt. Seit einigen Jahren arbeitet Nathalie als Schauspielerin. Mit Studenten aus den Bereichen Medizin versucht sie Erfahrung zu verkörpern: in diesem Setting müssen angehende Ärzte herausfinden, woran der simulierende Patient leidet.
- Wie verkörpert man einen simulierenden Patienten?
- Was, wenn wir 9 Hirne und 3 Herzen (wie ein Oktopus) hätten?
Diese Fragen und mehr, eingebettet in spielerischem Umgang mit Übungen aus Schauspiel, Performance, Dressurtechniken, Yoga und Movement.
Nathalie Kuttel (CH)
Berufsausbildung zur Schauspielerin mit Kursen am Genfer Konservatorium. 3-jährige Ausbildung an der Theaterschule Les Teintureries. Seit 2005 arbeite sie als Schauspielerin unter anderem unter der Leitung von Emmanuel Pouilly, Pip Simmons, Axel De Booseré von Arsenic Cie (Belgien), Denis Maillefer (Théâtre de Vidy) und Evelyne Pieller (Grand Théâtre Tilhomme) Praktika bei Oona Doherty, Thomas Ostermeier (Théâtre de Vidy), Jean-Yves Ruf (Manufacture), Cyril Casmèze (Animality, Zoomorphy, Cie du Singe Debout), Praktika an der Dimitri Schule, Eric Salama (St-Gervais), Sohn Marionetten (Théâtre de Marionnettes de Genève). Martine Bürer (Clown-Training) Im Jahr 2009 wechselte sie zu Shanju Co., einem Unternehmen, das Theater, Zirkus und Reitkunst vereint. Dann kehrte sie zu einer Leidenschaft aus der Kindheit zurück: der Arbeit mit Pferden und dem Zirkus. Sie trainiert Lufttraining (festes Trapez, Luftgewebe, Reifen). Sie absolviert mehrere Praktika in ihrer Schule bei Stéphane Drouard (Cie des Arts Sauts) in den Bereichen Akrobatik, Etienne Regnier (Zingaro) im Reitkunstflug und mit Hélène Roche im Clicker. Training mit Pferden. Sie nimmt regelmäßig Unterricht bei Silna Chappuis (Dressur, Qualität im Kontakt mit Pferden). Seit 2011 unterrichtet Nathalie an der Shanju School Workshops. Seit 2017 gestaltet Nathalie Zirkus- und Theaterworkshops an der Vivalys-Schule. Im April 2017 arbeitet Nathalie unter der Leitung von Judith Breikers mit sechs anderen Schauspieler, ein Chihuahua, sechs Pferde, drei Ziegen, ein Schaf und zehn Hühner, bei der Erschaffung von eine Performance im Theater Vidy. Im selben Jahr besuchte sie mehrere Improvisationsworkshops mit Alain Borek, Odile Cantero, Adrien Knecht, Yvan Richardet. Im Jahr 2015 beginnt Nathalie eine Zusammenarbeit mit Professor Fiorito an der Zoologischen Station von Neapel (Forschung in Neurobiologie, Lernen, Verhalten) und arbeitet mit Tintenfischen. Fasziniert von diesem Tier, bereitet sie eine Performance im Rahmen der Museen für zeitgenössische Kunst vor
Sonntag, 29. November, Bühne 2
13.00 - 18.00
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
CHF 95.- / EUR 90.- regular fee (student fee, professional dancer)
CHF 85.- / EUR 80.- early bird (before end of October)
Movement Masterclass w/ Dr. Hanna Poikonen (FIN)
This workshop is designed for all curious movers, regardless of their background in movement practice. The method improves physical and cognitive skills, self-awareness and creativity with movement, meditation and neuroscience.
The WiseMotion workshops consist of movement practice, neuroscientific presentation and conversations. The workshops are designed to promote processes in creativity, concentration, stress-reduction and social interaction. In addition, physical abilities such as the joint and muscle dynamics, relaxation and balance are improved. During the neuroscientific presentation, the content is clarified by using practical examples and the latest scientific discoveries are connected to everyday life. During the conversations, the group deepens their knowledge about the topic of the workshop, based on the personal experiences of the participants and the neuroscientific approach.
Dr. Hanna Poikonen
WiseMotion method is developed by Dr. Hanna Poikonen. She is a neuroscientist, dancer and movement specialist, and holds a PhD in the neuroscience of movement, dance and music (Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland). She works at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) in the brain research and education focusing on the fields of intelligence, creativity and embodied cognitive education. In addition, she is a Guest Researcher at the Örebro University Hospital in Sweden focusing to movement-based rehabilitation of brain-related illnesses.
She has studied movement and dance in cities such as New York (Gibney Dance, Movement Research), Barcelona (La Caldera, Institut del Teatre), Montreal (Circuit-Est Centre Chorégraphique) and Berlin (Marameo). Explorations in kung fu, tai chi, butoh and somatic methods have taught her a holistic approach to the body and mind.
She has toured with WiseMotion worldwide in institutions, festivals and wellness centers such as Harvard Medical School (USA), Double Tree by Hilton Montreal (Canada), Technical University of Berlin (Germany), Kuopio Dance Festival (Finland), Alive Wellness (Hong Kong), and Institute del Teatre (Barcelona).
1 - The Brain Intertwined - Movement, Emotion and Cognition
2 - Creativity and the Brain
3 - Concentration, Memory, and the Brain
4 - The Brain in Rest – Sleep and Calming Down
The Brain Intertwined - Movement, Emotion and Cognition
Different brain regions play distinct roles in processes of movement anticipation, preparation and execution. Interaction of these regions enables smooth movements in the everyday life. Importantly, these interactions are improved by both professional athlete and rehabilitative training. Many motor brain regions are also involved in cognitive and emotional processes. Specific brain-based training programs can be created for expertise, everyday wellness and rehabilitation to support healthy cognition, emotion and movement.
During the workshop, we learn how different brain regions interact to create complex continuous movements. We understand how movement can be used in enhancing the cognitive performance and emotional well-being.
Creativity and the Brain
Creativity is a versatile state in the brain. During creation, two large neural networks interact. One is crucial in focused attention, the other one in a relaxed state, such as day-dreaming. During the creative process, the interaction of these two neural networks is crucial, making embodied creation both a demanding and a highly pleasurable experience. The state of arousal plays a major role in the functioning of the neural networks. Modifying the arousal state by breathing, movement and awareness practice has a direct influence on the creative process.
During the workshop, we learn how different neural networks in the brain influence to creativity. We understand how movement can be used in enhancing the intuitive and creative processes as well as emotional expression. We learn the fundaments how to enhance creativity by modifying the state of arousal and by adjusting the surroundings.
13.00-14.00 LUNCH BREAK
Concentration, Memory, and the Brain
Nowadays, problems in concentration and memory are on the rise. A lifestyle requiring constant distribution of attention and denying possibilities to concentrate on one thing at the time is overloading the brain. On the other hand, the brain needs an adequate amount of cognitive challenge. The problems in concentration and memory can be alleviated by an optimal combination of versatile exercise and rest. Increasing number of neuroscientific studies show that multidomain training combining cognitive challenge, movement and social interaction slows down the aging of the brain.
During the workshop, we learn with movement and neuroscientific theory how to reach a state of concentration, and how to act from that stage with ease. To enhance the brain potential, the practical part of the workshop focuses on movement coordination during meditation and a collective memory task. After the workshop, we know how to maintain the healthy cerebral functions of attention and memory in a long run.
The Brain in Rest – Sleep and Calming Down
Good quality sleep is the base for the holistic health. Sleep deprivation disturbs the cognitive and emotional processes in the brain in a versatile way. Sufficient rest and different phases of sleep are irreplaceable for the maintenance of brain health, and luckily, there are many natural ways in improving sleep and relaxing.
Through the workshop material in breathwork, music and meditation in movement, we gain tools to calm down and improve the quality of sleep. With the neuroscientific theory, we understand the neural bases of the embodied exercises of the workshop and gain knowledge in the importance of good sleep and the adverse effects of the lack of sleep to the brain.
Dr. Hanna Poikonen
Founder of the WiseMotion Community
Academic Guest at the ETH Zurich
Member of the IADMS Dance for Health Committee
Twitter and Instagram: @wisemotionco
Prescribe the monthly WiseMotion newsletter at
Tanzhaus Zürich, Bühne 2
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
Date: Saturday, 24. October
Time: 10:00 - 17:00
with a 1 hour break
CHF 170 / 160 EUR Regular Fee
CHF 136 / EUR 128 Reduced Fee (early bird pay until end of September, students, professional dancers)
Movement Masterclass w/ Vangelis Legakis (GR)
“Gliding Space”
The workshop is open to all passionate about movement and dance practice that will challenge them and develop in dance and life.
Workshop Description:
Gliding Space is a movement practice that was developed after many years of research and development in diverse movement, healing and spiritual practices. Its aim is to offer a profound embodied practice and at the same time to acknowledge and integrate all the bodies human kind is comprised by: physical, psychological, emotional, and energy bodies.
The practice integrates the profound dance languages of Flying Low (FL), Passing Through (PT), Contact Improvisation (CI), Release Technique (RT), movement coordination of Somatics and Forsythe Improvisation Technologies (FIT) together with spiritual and healing modalities Yoga, Qigong, Thai & Abdominal Massage, Craniosacral, meditation as well as philosophies of Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism.
The master class / workshop will include improvisational sequences and methodologies that will allow you to expand in technique, skills and performativity.
We will focus on coordinations of the musculoskeletal body and sense perception orientation to fine tune body and mind. We will work in silence to create a heightened sense of music and musicality and apply it in diverse soundtracks to stimulate an expansive performance state.
Vangelis Legakis
Vangelis Legakis is an educator and practitioner in dance, healing and spirituality having over 20 years of experience. His expertise is the integration of Eastern and Western modalities for a holistic dance education and for how dance can enlighten our perspectives on life and how we interact with society. Legakis creates holistic festivals, projects, residencies and courses and currently is launching new courses and practices so as to bring an integration in our lives and career. He is dedicating his career to offer his knowledge and experience to assist in the growth and education of young artists as well as professionals.
Legakis graduated from Laban Center (London, UK) with BA in Dance theatre and MA in Choreography and holds a Masters in Buddhist Studies from Hong Kong University. He was researching alongside The Forsythe Company 2004-2013 where he started building up his new methodologies in dance, choreography and performance. He received profound education to teach, spread and develop Flying Low and Passing Through from the 50 days workshop in Costa Rica and learning by David Zambrano over a decade 2008-2018.
More info can be viewed here:
Upcoming Unity Space Courses 2020:
Gliding Space Teachers Training Course
Level 1: 10 February - 7 March 2020 | Bali
Contact Beyond Contact Facilitators Teachers Training Course
Level 1: 20-26 January 2020 | Bali
Level 1: 27 Jan - 2 Feb 2020 | Bali
Level 2: 3 Feb - 9 Feb 2020 | Bali
Upcoming Unity Space Festivals 2020:
Bali | WOMB Festival | 25 April - 3 May 2020
Hong Kong International Choreography Festival | 14-19 June 2020 | Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur | East Point West | Interdisciplinary Festival of Embodiment | 22 July - 2 August 2020 |
Contact us for more info at
CHF 240.- regular
CHF 210.- reduced price (early bird before end of february, professional dancer, students, unemployed)
Workshop Address:
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
9 & 10 March 2020
Saturday: 10.00 - 17.00
*with a 1 hour break
Sunday: 13.00 - 17.00
*with 30 mins break
Movement Masterclass w/ Shinichi Iova-Koga (US)
“Stillness and Dynamic”
This training is open to all ages and levels of training - It requires a strong commitment of body/mind.
Part 1
We train the body to become a more expansive and dynamic container so we can develop more speed, adaptability and the capacity to deal with change. To begin, we soften the body, develop functional flexibility and strengthen connective tissue,
tendons and joints. This promotes a more energy-efficient and fluid state through which impulses can travel through the body with minimal resistance. We discover how thoughts and the mind’s attention can change the quality of the physical form.
Part 2
And then we test ourselves. Each step, sound, word or action we generate extends an invitation to those around us, prompting a series of responses and interactions which become the flesh and bones of a new organism. Provided that we remain aware of this relationship, it lives. To craft this life, we play with timing and space while connecting to our internal states.
About Shinichi:
I’ve prepared myself within the forms or containers of Action Theater (improvisation), Qi Gong, Aikido, Noguchi Taiso, Noh Theater and Butoh Dance. From these forms I have learned what I know about body mobility and circulation, awareness of weight, breath, and physical mechanics connected to feeling states, moods, the space around. As a teacher and an artist, my first task is to tend to these forms/containers/pathways. The next piece is to step away from these particulars, to hold them up against rigorous inquiry and to reconsider them or re-assemble them in order to create something new. It is this process, of both pursuing skill and facing the unknown, that I strive to share with my students.
My teaching is also informed by various forms of collaboration (Ann Carlson, Ko Murobushi, KT Nelson, Yuko Kaseki, Yumiko Yoshioka) and mentorship (Anna Halprin, Ralph Lemon, Ruth
I am the Artistic Director of the Physical Theater and Dance company called inkBoat.
inkBoat is a physical theatre and dance company founded in 1998. With members based in San Francisco, Luzern, Paris and Berlin, the company performs throughout North America, Europe, South Korea and Japan in theaters and site-specific locations. Repertory and research integrate the interplay of multiple artistic disciplines and viewpoints, both experimental and traditional, resulting in original performance compositions. Themes and subjects arise from meticulous examination of everyday life, with primary content arising from the body, resulting in both refined and raw expressions.
- 25.1.2020
- Saturday
- 13.00 - 17.00
- Tanzhaus Zürich
CHF 85.- Early bird, professional dancer, student (pay before end of december)
CHF 95.- Regular price
Movement Masterclass w/ Nik Bärtsch (CH)
"Musical Movement Training"
Wer den Künstler Nik Bärtsch mal live erlebt hat, spürt sofort, dass dieser Mann an seinem Bewusstsein gearbeitet hat. Nicht nur sein Outfit ("Christa de Carouge") ist augenfällig, auch seine prägnante Art zu sprechen und sich zu bewegen. Alles ist von einer fliessenden Leichtigkeit und Lebendigkeit durchdrungen. Die Instrumente seiner Arbeit sind Bewegungsformen wie Aikido, Feldenkrais und Gyrotonic - und entsprechen einer Brücke zu seiner polyrhythmischen Musik (Piano), wo Taktgefühl und Fluss einander systematisch herausfordern.
Diese Movement Masterclass ist für alle Levels bzw. ohne musikalischen oder bewegungstechnischen Background besuchbar.
Offenheit, Neugierde und Spielfreude sind wichtiger als detaillierte Vorkenntnisse.
- Presence training
- Rhythm awareness
- Movement merging techniques
Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen, die interessiert sind an kreativen Körper Techniken, Rhythmus Relationen und musikalischen Bewegungs-Meditationen – unabhängig vom Status als AmateurIn, Profi oder StudentIn.
Wir werden an fundamentalen Aspekten von funktionalem Bewegen arbeiten, die relevant sind für PerformerInnen
(z.B. Bewegungs-Leute wie TänzerInnen, MusikerInnen oder KampfkünstlerInnen):
• Ausdehnung und Entspannung
• präsent und geerdet bleiben
• Zentrums-basierte Bewegung
• die Balance unter Druck behalten
• Flow und Flexibilität
• Fokus und Bewusstheit
• Kontakt und Interaktion
Rhythmus-, Präsenz- und Reaktions-Training in der Gruppe und als Gruppen-Organismus: Klatsch- und Shaker-Kreise, Pattern und Zyklen-Übungen.
Wir beginnen die Workshop-Tage mit einer 20 minütigen Meditation. Bewegungs- und Rhythmus-Meditationen sind auch Teil der Trainings-Einheiten.
Nik Bärtsch
hat den Kunstpreis der Stadt Zürich 2019 erhalten und arbeitet als Pianist und Komponist an seiner RITUAL GROOVE MUSIC. Er ist Leader des Zenfunk-Quartetts RONIN und der Musik-Ritual-Gruppe MOBILE. Er ist Lehrbeauftragter für ‘Praktische Ästhetik’ an der Musikhochschule ZH/Winterthur und ist stark interessiert am Einfluss und der Kombination von Musik und Bewegung, im speziellen von Aikido, Feldenkrais und Gyrotonic. Nik trainiert im Kokoro Aikido Dojo Zürich. Residencies, Workshops und Lectures an versch. Institutionen: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance London (UK), Musikhochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig (DE), Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (CH)
Nik spielt jeden Montag mit RONIN im EXIL, Zürich
13.00 - 19.00 Uhr
20.00 Uhr Gemeinsames Abendessen TBA
(freiwillig - nicht im Preis inbegriffen)
10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Movement Masterclass w/ Imre Thormann (CH)
Movement Masterclass w/ Imre Thormann (CH/FR)
Butoh & Noguchi Taiso
A two day workshop in which master dancer Imre Thormann is taking you on a journey into the principles behind his movements and expression.
"In my workshop I do not convey any fixed form or technique, but the principles that form the basis of movement (spiral, wave, gravity, emotion etc.). We will focus on everyday movements like standing and walking, as well as on emotional forms of expression. We will establish a basis that will enable us to exchange conventional patterns of movement for fresh approaches that will help us to execute movements more easily.
This workshop is for professionals in dance and theatre, amateurs of all ages and people who are open and curious to work with the body, mind and soul.
My work is based on a training of seven years in Tokyo with Kazuo Ohno (Butoh) and Noguchi Michizo (founder of Noguchi Taiso, a Japanese form of body work), and education in Alexander Technique and my experience as a dancer who is living the dance. My workshops are inspiring for people with a background or interest in tai chi, aikido, dance, performance, acting, yoga, body work and body-mind oriented therapy."
Saturday 23.11.
10-13:00, Lunch Break, 14:30-17:30
Sunday 24.11.
10-13:00, Lunch Break, 14:30-17:30
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
Movement Masterclass w/ Adrian Russi (CH)
Movement Masterclass w/ Adrian Russi (CH)
"Die CI fasziniert mich in ihrer Vielschichtigkeit und ihrem Facettenreichtum immer wieder aufs Neue. In jedem Tanz und jeder Klasse kann ich aus einem immensen Spektrum an Möglichkeiten das gerade Passende wählen bzw. mir widerfahren lassen - und so mit der belebenden, fortwährenden Dynamik zwischen klarer Absicht und Hingabe an das Unbekannte spielen.
Dieses Mal liegt der Fokus auf dem Schwungvollen im Tanz, was Leichtigkeit und Lust auf mehr vermitteln soll. Der für Manche
unverständliche Fachbegriff heisst «Momentum». Unser Körper kennt dieses Momentum seit Kindesbeinen. Es ist etwas sehr
Organisches und Selbstverständliches, das in der CI aber oft verloren geht, weil zu verhalten getanzt oder mit zu viel Kraft
gepusht wird.
Momentum ist spannend und beinhaltet verschiedene Aspekte. Es hat mit Schwung und eher bogenförmigen Bewegungen
zu tun. Es hängt mit Schwerkraft und dem physikalischen Begriff der Trägheit zusammen. Ein gutes Timing ist grundlegend, um die Energie des Momentums lustvoll zu nutzen. Und: Bewegungen mit Momentum sind nicht immer schnell, sondern können auch sehr gemächlich von statten gehen.
Wie gewohnt geht es in diesem Workshop darum, tanzend zu forschen und zu geniessen, die Wahr-nehmung zu schulen und
ein vertieftes Verständnis für die CI zu erlangen. Ich freue mich sehr auf das Thema, welches schon lange Teil meines
Unterrichts ist, jedoch noch nie so richtig im Zentrum stand.
Adrian Russi ist Lehrer für Contact Improvisation und Neuen Tanz und wird europaweit zum Unterrichten und Performen eingeladen. Nach seiner Ausbildung bei „bewegungs-art“ in Freiburg/D bildete er sich bei verschiedenen LehrerInnen kontinuierlich weiter, u.a. bei Steve Paxton, Nancy Stark Smith und Nita Little. Ihm sind eine präzise Bewegungstechnik und differenzierte Wahrnehmung wichtig, sowie eine Kreativität, die dem differenzierten Körperbewusstsein entspringt. Die Freude am Spiel und das Sich-Wirklich-Einlassen sind für ihn die Grundlage, um im Tanz aus dem Vollen zu schöpfen. Weitere Einflüsse stammen von seinem Studium verschiedener Kampfkünste und der Craniosacraltherapie sowie von seiner eigenen Forschungsarbeit (u.a. über die Faszien).
Offen für TeilnehmerInnen mit Erfahrung in CI.
Samstag 19. Oktober
Sonntag 20. Oktober
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
Movement Masterclass w/ Tom Weksler (ISR)
“The right art is purposeless, aimless. The more obstinately you try to learn how to shoot the arrow for the sake of hitting the goal, the less you will succeed in the one and the further the other will recede. What stands in your way is that you have a much too willful will. You think that what you do not do yourself does not happen.” - Eugen Herrigel
Each day of workshop will consist of 3 parts:
* Part 1 - Warm-up
Tom’s concept of warm-up is based on the mover’s need to tune into a clear and subtle quality before their practice and execution. The routine Tom follows and teaches is inspired by concepts of Chaya (Shadow) Yoga and particularly the “Balakarma” series (stepping into strength), and other forms of soft martial arts. The warm-up routine emphasizes the opening of the darkest parts of our bodies - our legs, which are also the most distant from our eyes. Demanding postures alongside gentle flow with circular motions and spirals will be introduced in order to provide better awareness of the lower parts. The second principle Tom wishes to unfold is preparations (or introduction) to low movement while maintaining the gentle functions of the wrists and neck as tools for balance, sensing the space and organically digesting physical information; internal and external.
* Part 2 - Technique/ Floorwork
Tom’s technique of floor work serves as a “risk management” mechanism which ultimately, leads to freedom in a much larger scale than usually experienced by performers of a single discipline. Tom introduces dynamics of falling, rolling, collapsing, flipping and melting down in order to reduce and eventually eliminate the type of actions we usually refer to as “failure” in dance, athletics and martial arts. The practice is composed both of simple, almost “daily” actions, alongside “complicated” acrobatic risks without distinguishing between them or judging what’s important and unimportant. This approach allows a blend of influences from the Animal Kingdom, Capoeira, Gymnastics, Tae Kwon Do, Parkour, Brazillian Jiujitsu and Bboying to fall effortlessly into an empty category of functional motions.
* Part 3 - Archery
The “Archery” practice is Tom’s sincere attempt to create a practice of movement which lies in the space between fight and gestures-free expression. The practice can be executed with two movers and up, and involves the development of both circular and sharp reactions which leads to high levels of awareness and a fluent - “tactical” mind. The movers will go through different forms of “games” which can wear strict rules and objectives or just a physical play of examining and interacting - a play we are all familiar with but tend to lose during our mature life in modern society. Upon practicing Archery one can feel either like he or she is involved in a very skillful combat or in a passionate dance full of risks and traps. It is important to note that the name “Archery” ultimately holds nothing behind it as it constantly changes and flows into the shape the practitioners make up according to their needs and passions.
Tom Weksler began practicing martial arts and various acrobatic disciplines from a young age. After graduating from 'The Workshop For Dancers And Choreographers' in Haifa Israel in 2009, Tom went on to perform with the Israeli Opera and then with 'Inbal Pinto & Avshallom Pollak Dance Company'. after having toured extensively and internationally, Tom later became a performer with Rootlessroot under Jozef Fruček and Linda Kapetanea in their work, ‘Collective Loss Of Memory’, which was produced by the Czech Company DOT 504. in 2014 Tom created two duets, 'Saru’ and ‘Heder’ in collaboration with Tokyo-based dancer and choreographer, Mayumu Minakawa, which were performed in many theatres and festivals in Europe and Japan. Since 2014 Tom has also been collaborating with Circus Director and Performer Yogi Dekel, creating together both the Quintet Lobos which was co-produced by the Israeli Council for Culture and Arts and 'Mifal Hapais', and the Duet 'Pilim' Co-created with ' ON center for Contemporary Circus' and 'Bat Yam Festival for street Theater' in 2017 Tom joined Guy Nader & Maria Campose for the creation process of 'Set of Sets' in Barcelona. Since 2017 Tom has also been collaborating with Roser Tutusaus, creating together the Duet 'After the Rain' and practicing dance. Tom has been teaching in various Dance Schools, Universities, Circus Schools, Dojos and Dance Companies all over the world.
Friday 27.9.
Saturday 28.9.
10-13:30, Lunch Break, 15:00-17:30
Sunday 29.9.
10-13:30, Lunch Break, 15:00-17:30
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
Movement Masterclass w/ Lukas Flint (DE)
Organic Movement - Flowacrobatics
Das Konzept Organic Movement sieht Bewegung als ein Grundbedürfnis des Menschen. Viele vermissen es und wissen gar nicht wo sie mit Bewegung anfangen sollen obwohl der Wunsch da ist. Hierbei stehen die Wirbelsäule und die Körperwahrnehmung im Vordergrund, wodurch die Bewegungen organischer, natürlicher und fließender werden.
Über den Workshop
Auf der Basis des Organic Movement tauchen wir gemeinsam in die Welt der Flowacrobatic ein. Die Basics, Kombinationen & Choreos werden angeleitet, erforscht und bieten anschließend Raum für Improvisation. Durch Solo und Partnerübungen wirst du spielerisch wieder zu einem funktionellen & harmonischen Zusammenspiel des gesamten Körpers finden. Wir spielen mit fließenden Bewegungen, die im Softacro durch akrobatische Elemente untermalt werden. Die Inspirationen kommen aus dem Capoeira, Akrobatik, Contemporay Dance und Tanzakro.
Über Lukas
In Berlin aufgewachsen entdeckte er schon früh seine Liebe zur Bewegung. Anfangs eignete er sich autodidaktisch Wissen über Training, Ernährung und Gesundheit an, später dann die Artistikausbildung mit Fokus auf Boden und Luftakrobatik, sowie Contemporary Dance, Ballet, Schauspiel und Pantomime Aspekten in Berlin. Unter anderem bei der Movement Awakening tour 2017 gab er Workshops In ganz Deutschland und performte in Tv, Events, Shows, dem Pfefferberg Theater und dem Berliner Ensemble. Derzeit performed Lukas Duo- und Soloshows und unterrichtet Workshops zum Thema Flowacrobatic, Organic Spine, Ring-Strength and Handbalancing.
Sonntag 30.6.
13.00 - 17.00
Movement Masterclass w/ Hoyoung Im (Seoul)
Combining movement approaches from south east asian and eastern philosophy and contemporary dance:
- Introducing dynamics of balancing, stabilizing, falling, rolling, flipping and melting down
- Awareness of relationship between the space and our core
- Improvisational and choreographed patterns as a tool to explore the space
- Maintain flow without unnecessary tension using circular motions and spirals
- Partner work and games
Hoyoung is a black belt Tae Kwon Do martial artist and intertwines improvisational movements with contemporary dance, traditional Korean traditional dance and Ashtanga yoga. He’s also a theatre and dance performer, dj and musician He graduated from Seoul, South Korea, Cinema & Theatre, BA of Art. One of the member of theatre company, ‘Elephant Manbo’ and an art director of art project group, ‘UmZikßi’. As an actor Hoyoung has worked with Dong-Hyun Kim from Elephant Manbo, National Theater Company of Korea and Evgeny Kozlov from the physical dance “DO Theater” from Russia.
Open for all Levels
Movement Masterclass w/ Joseph Bartz (DE)
Intensive „Physical & Cognitive Practices"
The Physical & Cognitive Practice Intensive represents the entirety of our practice. This intensive focuses on different topics depending on the participants, the time of year and the locations, and can be visited at any time. Recommended for anyone who comes with an open mind.
The physical and cognitive practices
Our practice is in a continuous state of development and change. Statically and dogmatically doing the same thing is a foreign concept to us. Our practice should be dynamic and thus alive. This practice consists of both the physical and the mind, the cognitive. Learning and practicing our ability to learn is one of our ideals. Our practice shall be helpful for the people.
The physical
Our physical practice consists of the elements of movement practice, development of potential, including preparation of the body, athleticism and capacity, as well as bodily control and loosening.
Through the joining of these aspects, a comprehensive, universal training arises. The idea is to become physically capable and develop skills, thereby creating freedom and joy. Our physical training is the opposite of a society that has become too intellectualised and focused on consumption, in which physical training is presented in isolated and highly specified systems. Being a "jack of all trades" is the goal of our training.
The cognitive
The mind practice consists of different forms of thinking, such as reflection, contemplation, concentration, imagination, memory training, and attention. The mind practice contains in it the recognition of the world through observation and perception, through reflection and discussion. The practice also contains aspects of logic such as mathematics and argumentation, as well as creativity, meditation, empathy and mental control.
Being in the world
Our practices deal with existing in the world. The crucial point is the way we balance wilderness and technology, and the way we balance doing and calmness.
Who are we, what is our place, and what do we do?
Workshop held in DE/EN
Movement Masterclass w/ Eva Georgitsopoulou (GR)
"Dance improvisation is an expression on real time! It is like automatic writing. In order to transform this automatism into creativity, we need body and space awareness."
Suitable for everybody interested in movement.
No prerequisites necessary!
Sunday, 24.3.19
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
to melt these approaches into one:
Ballet, Graham, Release Techniques, Passing through - Flying low, Fighting Monkey, GAGA
Develop your own improvisation:
How to coordinate the whole body into small and big movement pathways. How to be aware of the full body when you improvise. To actually train the body's totality and be able to activate the muscles and each body part by keeping it connected with the center and the spine.
We will train the spine to move, cut, go through and transform the space around us including arms and legs. We will explore different impulses of the body and we will insist on understanding these impulses and make them travel through the spine and travel through the space.
We will work with different intensities of muscles and we will learn to create musicality in the body by choosing short or long movement pathways.
We will challenge the speed and the stamina because in those places we will be forced to activate our technique tools in order to keep our dance alive.
We will be working with technical tasks, statically, on spot and with partners. The purpose is for the participants to understand the meaning of conscious and unconscious dance, to believe in it, to trust different movement possibilities and unlock their imagination continuously beyond their well known forms.
How to find "new" movement?
Inside the flow of the class, we challenge our own existence, share and demand inspiration from what is around us, inside us, in and out of our imagination. We want to make our presence appear through its physicality. We will train the body to talk and represent what it is and how it feels, developing its own dramaturgy and being alive inside the stories which can be told though dancing.
Being trained and inspired by the most important figures of dance in Israel, she developed her own style of Gaga and contemporary dance.
She's a performer, dancer, teacher and also a lawyer which makes her approach on movement clear and also creative.
Fighting Monkey Practice —Zurich, Anatomy of Injury & Events
Zurich, Switzerland
2 & 3 February
How we age and what we do to slow down this process.
We invite athletes, educators, physiotherapists, scientists, dancers, artists and all kind of enthusiasts from different disciplines who have the courage to test, discuss and experience:
how we move, when meeting obstacles
how we think, when we know less than we know
how we communicate, because we always need to communicate especially in challenging times
how we observe to find solutions that are better than just good
Zero Forms
Athletic Leg, Axis and Spinal health
We are highly interconnected and we age as a whole system. We move, interact and communicate and the way we do it makes us more or less vulnerable to physical and social forces that affect our allostatic balance and influence how we age and live.
We gradually accumulate damages by exhausting ourselves.
We gradually lose our synaptic inter-connections and movement qualities.
What practices, training habits and everyday behaviour lead to loss of proprioceptive variability?
Inductive reasoning, spacial orientation and memory
We investigate and promote mobility that contributes to body musicality and rhythm. We practice coordinations as a way to improve the health of joints through communication and their inter-relation.
How do we learn?
We research the strategies we use to learn and the ways we can improve our memory by involving more networks of our body to give us more creative opportunities, more unique associations. We do this through movement that provokes improvised, sudden and unexpected connections that can break your limitations.
Movement Situations
Chaos and disruption
Irregularity, difficulty and pressure are important factors in the development of complex systems such as life. Movement Situations embrace those elements in open games, created to increase the adaptive value of your movement qualities, your strategic decisions and your creative variability in changing and unpredictable environments.
Upcoming FM events, EU 2019:
15, 16, 17 March - Copenhagen
18, 19 May - Lausanne
31 May & 1, 2 June - Berlin
28, 29, 30 June - Rotterdam
5 - 10 August - Slagesle / Gerlev Sports Academy
Upcoming FM events, North America 2019:
5, 6, 7 April - Toronto, CA
9, 10, 11 April - Quebec, CA
13, 14 April - Asheville, North Carolina
20, 21 April - Berkeley, California
Contact us for more info at
Workshop address:
Tanzhaus Zürich, Wasserwerkstrasse 129, 8037 Zürich
Saturday, 2 February --> Sunday, 3 February 2019
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 18:00
* with a 1 hour break for each day
Movement Masterclass w/ Jason Round (GB)
The 'MoveMore: Movement Workshop' is continually adapted to participants, the facility, and my own research. No two workshops are the same. Whilst content changes, underlying objectives remain the same:
To create a learning space through which participants can begin to map, explore & interpret our subject: Movement. By creating 'containers' - individual & partner games, drills, movement tasks & scenarios - we can give temporary definition to our movement experiences and extract meaningful learning outcomes.
Investigate micro-subjects such as organic strength, lower-body complexity, locomotion, hand-balancing, floor communication, object manipulation, softness & tension, play/fight & more. Under these contexts we can begin to appreciate the complexity & potential of human movement.
Arm participants with practical tools & methodology to develop attributes such as mobility, strength, balance, coordination and structural awareness as well as injury prevention & rehabilitation. By understanding these attributes as on a SPECTRUM, rather than a fixed measurable, we can develop a more experienced, complex, and intelligent body - our vessel for continued movement exploration.
Jason is a movement practitioner who travels to develop and share his continually evolving movement practice and perspective. He is a bricolage and 'filter' of all his teachers and movement experiences driven by three 'wheels' which guide the 'MoveMore' project: learn, share & connect.
'MoveMore' is the platform through which Jason reaches out to those interested in developing their own 'movement practice'. Further, he proposes and encourages development of a critical 'movement perspective' through which we might interpret & direct our individual and social experiences.
MoveMore on Facebook & Instagram:
Movement Masterclass w/ Carsten Stausberg (DE)
A Two Day Workshop for Martial Artists, Dancers, Yogis and General Movers. (German/English)
Saturday / Sunday
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
The term Internal Work is translated from the Chinese „Nei Gong“ and describes the Meditative Methods in Internal Martial Arts like Bagua Zhang, Xingyi Quan or Taiji Quan.
Internal Work is designed to cultivate a practicioners physicality, his mental capacities and personality. It is a strong instrument meant to support the artist, no matter if martial artist, dancer, climber or general mover.
Through the connection of physical movement, breath and intention, Internal Work seeks to harmonize our organism. It utilizes internal cues, and usually starts without external movement.
What we are looking for is conscious awareness of our body, of our posture and our movement. Therefore we don’t need to learn more movement, but reduce it as far as we can. Standing still and reducing all variables of movement to a minimum will enable us to pay attention to our physical state, to recognize the alignment of our joints, the pressure of gravity, internal rhythms and for example the influence of our breathing on our balance.
From this starting point we will dive deeper into more complex physical movements, leading us from techniques of „Silk Reeling“ to the daoist method of Circle Walking.
Internal Practice will help you move with the ease of a child and the power and precision of an adult.
The Methods shown in this workshop are easy to learn and very accessible. No prior Martial Arts experience needed. We will dive deep into stillness practice, and spend extended periods of time in the quiet. We will also work with a partner to understand the connection of Internal Work and External Application (for example fighting or dancing.)
Internal Work is an essential method of physical cultivation. A daily practice to tune in, to connect with your environment and nature. It doesnt require much time, but is best practiced on a regular basis. This way it can be a very strong tool to nourish your own practice, the kind of self care every artist needs to esablish livelong and sustainable development.
Carsten Stausberg is the founder of Yizong Bagua in Cologne, Germany. A multidisciplinary space with emphasis on Martial Arts & Movement Training.
As a long time student of Luo Dexiu, his main background are the Internal Martial Arts of Bagua Zhang, Xingyi Quan & Taiji Quan, which he teaches in classes, workshops and through Online Coaching. He spent 20 years in various martial arts such as Shaolin Gong Fu, Chen- & Yang Style Taiji Quan and Qi Gong, focussing solely on the Internal Arts over the last 15 years.
Lately he worked intensively with dancers, such as Tom Weksler, to explore and research common ground in martial arts and dance as well as deeper layers of craftsmanship and artistic expression. Using Internal Work as a tool to refine and nourish the different disciplines.
He also founded a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Team in 2016 where he implements his approach of training and coaching into a more competitive environment.
Apart from his martial arts background, Carsten holds a B.A. in Chinese Philosophy & Literature, graduated from a Chinese Medicine school and is a Certified Coach for Personal Development.
His way of teaching is very „down to earth“, using the least amount of „chinese“ possible to explain and introduce the concepts and principles of Internal Work. Therefore making the experience fun and enjoyable, rather than overserious and mystical.
Movement Masterclass w/ Iftach Vardi (ISR)
Saturday 7.7. 2018
Decoding Motion
Dancers, martial artists, circus people, yogis and all freestyle movers: You're all invited to come and explore new ways to develop and expand your movement intelligence
DECODING MOTION project is a movement intelligence development intensive practice.
We learn how to develop our own movement intelligence using different exercises and techniques practiced and inspired from different disciplines, mainly from the worlds of martial arts, contemporary dance, and soft acrobatics.
finding and exploring the connections and interfaces they all share between them.
We will practice and learn different principles and techniques of martial arts, floor work and soft acrobatics and explore how they can all be merged together in order to achieve more freedom and flow in our movement."
Iftach is a movement artist who's profound background in martial arts and his recent years research and experimentation within contemporary dance have allowed him to create a unique platform of integration between the disciplines.
Alchemising various ideas, concepts and principles into his teachings he allows movers from multiple disciplines to grow and expand in their own fields and movement capabilities.
Iftach's DECODING MOTION movement development seminars and workshops are held around the world.
Movement Masterclass w/ Nik Kosmas (US/DE)
"The Practice"
Saturday 16.6.2018
13.00 - 17.00
MEDIACAMPUS TH2 Tanzhaus Zürich
Freihofstr. 7
8048 Zürich
We are in a Cambrian explosion of fitness/sport/movement culture. The 20th century saw many amazing developments in the study of human physical potential, across many cultures and continents. What we have in the 21st century is an incredible wealth of that research at our fingertips (thanks internet). This is a blessing if you have the base knowledge and learning skills to filter through the hype. Practitioners who laboured for years, making mistakes, learning and training, finding perhaps only a few peers to share methods and discuss with, are now able to share their wisdom quickly and easily with many of us.
However the legacy of the 20th century is that many of these writers and training methods are specific, which has pro’s and con’s. If I am a runner writing for runners, I won’t have much advice for how to blend in a jiu jitsu practice. How can we frame these ideas? There is a trend towards hybrid-knowledge that goes across many disciplines. Science is experiencing similar boundary blurring and cross-disciplinary pollination. I think the next goal of the movement culture is to create more resources and experiments for multi-disciplinary movers. How does a runner/bjj/ olympic weightlifter train? How does a bouldering, dancing, acro-yogi train?
Specializing is important for achieving high level performance, but most of us, lets be real, we just want to have fun, stay interested, enjoy moving, get release from our thoughts, be healthy, and look good.
- Introduction of some simple strength and conditioning strategies that leave time and energy for skill practices
- breakdown of the idea of general and specific training
- discussion of mindset
- technique vs capacity, somatics vs training
- necessary limitations of cross-disciplinary practices of all kinds
- strength training
- playing games
Nik Kosmas’ work navigates the thin line between design, sport, and business. He has recently published ‘Essays on Physical Practice’ where he proposes a holistic approach to the relationship with the body-mind. A pioneer of post-internet art, he has exhibited worldwide in institutions such as the New Museum in New York, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing, the Berlin Biennial, the Venice Biennale and the Moscow Biennale for Young Art.
Movement Masterclass w/ Sylvie Chen (CN)
Saturday, May 12, 2018
From Butoh to Taichi
Exploration of unconsciousness in performance. How can sounds transform into body movement? How can we research and celebrate emptiness and use it as a tool in everyday movement, and movement based disciplines like contemporary dance.
- Introduction of passive waves inspired from ancient QiKung
- Spinal warm up with organic voice techniques
- Creative dialogue between hairs, toes, tongues
- Butoh steps, Taichi steps, fusion steps
- Perception of momentum in poetic rollings & fallings
- Playful fighting games in Duo
Dresscode: entire white or entire black
“Karada ha Karada. The body is empty. The Tao is open”
Sylvie Xing Chen is a chinese-swiss berlin-based performer and choreographer in dance theater, specialized in japanese Butoh, chinese opera & Taichi-Dance. Her solo & group choreography have been shown in various festivals in Switzerland, Vienna, Berlin, Tokyo, Macau, Guangzhou & Shanghai China.
Her last engagement as dancer was collaborating with ZHDK project choreography Emanuel Gat. Since 2014 she teaches Butoh dance & guided improvisation Workshop for professional dancers & comediens in Fengmian Art Center in China, Rui Cunha Foundation in Macau, Tanzfabrik Berlin & in Zurich Tanzhaus Wildcard. Since 2010 with her company ButoInSwitzerland, promoted by swiss embassy, they are touring their dance theater piece with art installation and film production each Dec. in China & in Japan.
Her childhood spent in Shaolin temple & later studied in Zen temple in Japan bring her on the practice of emptiness. This enriches her research in different artistic expressions such as dancing, painting, calligraphy. Always switching between Asien & Europe , she takes inspirations from her daily life cultural fusions & conflicts and translates them into creative process.
Movement Masterclass w/ Samantha Pak (USA)
Saturday, April 14, 201
*Open to all levels*
Explore the value of personal expression using movement as the medium.
A movement-based workshop exploring creative processes and individual movement styles, participants will gain practical tools to:
- Enhance spinal mobility, locomotion and floor work
- Experiment with aesthetic and movement influences
- Articulate and play with distinctive personal movement styles
- Combine outside influences within the movement practice
Bring your smartphone (if you have one… if you don’t, good for you!!).
Last but not least, prepare to smeeze... East Oakland is coming to your door, Zurich! See you there!
“We have no art. We do everything as well as we can.”
- Corita Kent
Samantha Pak is a US/Barcelona-based artist that uses movement as a creative medium.
Approaching the urban environment as a creative canvas, she merges movement culture with her interests in street fashion, contemporary art and music. She captures her work in video and photography, as well as collaborations with artists and movers of all sorts.
Her collaborations are as wide-ranging as a pop up shop at Hotel Brummell (Barcelona), a dance collaboration between STR/KE MOVEMENT Vancouver) and the TURF FEINZ (Oakland) and a cuisine and movement collaboration with James Beard Foundation award winning chef, Cortney Burns (San Francisco). She creates her own garments for use in her movement videos and photos, combining her interests in streetwear (most especially Gosha Rubchinskiy, Cottweiler, Rhude Clothings), pop art (including works from Tom Sachs, Ed Ruscha and Corita Kent), skating and music.
She works with athletes and movers including Olympic hopefuls to college athletes. Some of her faves include pro skater, Corey Duffel, and judo athlete Tsukasa Yoshida, winner of the silver medal at the 2017 World Judo Championships in Budapest.
A student of the Ido Portal Method since 2012, movement is the common thread in all the creative works and collaborations she’s involved in. Her training helps her explore the potential and depth of human movement, helping her explore the ideas and concepts she’s most compelled to get out in the world.
Ferus Animi // Terra Nova - Zurich (CH)
Save the date for the second edition of Tomislav English's Movement Masterclass.
Last year was sold out pretty quickly!
Mar 17, 2018 at 12 PM – Mar 18, 2018
2 Days workshop at Tanzhaus Media Campus.
Mediacampus TH1
Freihofstrasse 7
8048 Zürich
12.00 - 17.00
11.00 - 16.00
Ferus Animi // Terra Nova is a movement research collective based in Europe. Working across disciplines, the practice seeks to examine the principles behind many of the modern and traditional movement techniques we have come to recognise, through the lens of evolutionary physiology, environmental adaptation and neuroplasticity.
We look to better understand our mechanics, neurological & cognitive function, biological processes and the physical laws which govern our motion, in search of a richer range of possibilities in our movement and athletic development, as well as taking anthropological and philosophical examinations of our modern habits and lifestyles.
Our collective works with professional dancers, martial artists, athletes, somatic practitioners, yogis, circus artists and the like as well as psychologists, physiologists, neurologists and neuroplasticians, to make sure we are presenting the most up to date research available from each field. Our workshops are open to anyone passionate about Human movement.
Workshop leader Tomislav English‘s personal practice is informed by ongoing movement research under the teachings of Grand Master Tae Yong Lee (Teukgong Moosool), Moshe Feldenkrais (Feldenkrais Technique), Wim Hof (Wim Hof Method), David Zambrano (Flying Low & Passing Through), Cameron Shayne (Budokon), Jozef Frucek & Linda Kapetania (Fighting Monkey Practice), Bruno Caverna (Formless Arts) and Ido Portal (Ido Portal Method), in addition to the writings of Neuroplastician Norman Doidge, and academic research at Oxford Mindfulness Centre (Oxford University Department of Psychiatry), Barça Innovation Hub (F.C. Barcelona), England Rugby (RFU) and Higher Education qualifications from the Rambert School of Ballet and Contemporary Dance (FD), London Contemporary Dance School (BA (Hons)), Oxford School of Drama/Trinity College (FD), and Royal Holloway, University of London (PGC).
Movement Masterclass w/ Natalia Pieczuro (PL)
Movement Masterclass w/ Natalia Pieczuro
*Open for dancers, actors, circus and sports people and movers of all sorts*
Saturday 24. February
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
«We can create complex, full of sounds music, but what counts the most in it’s beauty, is the silence between the notes. The duration of silence. The same applies to dance. "The silence" is the moment when everything and nothing can happen. (…) »
- Claude Debussy
The work is totally based on the Fighting Monkey practice and dedicated to strengthening and elaborating your partnering skills - it's all about: «communication».
Working with changing partners will provide precious irregularity in training, thus influence our behavior, diversity of qualities, tempi and rhythm of our movement.
Through partnering work - “movement situations”, coordinations, working with tools, injury prevention and body conditioning we will work on strengthening the focus, awareness and the whole system.
We will brake the patterns to learn new patterns.
How can one be open to the "new" and still be well rooted.
Born in the Wild East.
- Believes that reality is ultimately timeless and in logic of the universe.
- Often named: dancer, performer and teacher.
- Rooting herself with: FM practice and studying anthropology of culture
- graduated with a double diploma in choreography and performing at SEAD
- walking the FM path since over 10 years
- As a pedagogue she is motivated by an urge for movement - as consequence of being alive - and by endless will to share.
Currently busy with:
Fighting Monkey Practice, TCM, Stillness/Meditation,
awaking the archetypes together with CHVE, searching for mindful shapelessness under the gaze of Lisbeth Gruwez.
Apply here:
CHF 105.- (regular)
CHF 95.- (Student, Pro Dancer)
Fighting Monkey Practice - Zurich, Open Workshop
Fighting Monkey Practice - Open Workshop / hosted by Movement Masterclass & David Suivez
Which games do you play to stay young?
It is a seminar that serves as a basic platform for further study of the Fighting Monkey Research. We will give you an overall introduction to the qualities and ideas that we have developed over the last 15 years of our F.M. research.
It is for dancers, movers, martial artists and people who are interested in human development.
You will experience mainly “movement situations”.
Irregular training methods to provoke and increase the adaptive value of your behavioral traits and strategic planning. We will work with complex structures to improve your movement qualities and increase your creative variability.
We will help you to understand the underlying principles of human motion and how stress and pressure affects our perception, behaviour and actions and how creatively adaptive you are in complex situations.
Foster improvisation, imagination and creativity.
The above are vital to problem solving.
Which is vital to adaptability, longevity and sustainability.
Play games.
Expose yourself to difficulties.
Workshop address:
Tanzhaus Zürich, Wasserwerkstrasse 129, 8037 Zürich
Saturday, 20 January 2017 —> Sunday, 21 January 2017
Saturday 10:00 – 18:00
Sunday 10:00 – 18:00
Total Event Price:
Early Bird Price:
To book a spot, please click here:
For more details, please contact our host David Suivez at:
Movement Masterclass w/ Martin Kilvady (SK)
Movement Masterclass w/ Martin Kilvady (SK)
I'm personally looking forward very much to his workshop. Not only since i have heard so much praise about him throughout all the dance and performer scene.
Checking out his vast array of Youtube clips makes me excited even more...
Ground level
"For past 25 years I have been growing unique and personal expression. I have been teaching, performing and dancing it during the same amount of time.
What I'm doing at this point is a style that embraces various interconnected elements. Simple headtitels that represent these elements and give name to What, How and Why are: Skillfulness, Personal fulfillment and Treatment.
The fact of mentioning the interconnection is important key point since integration and seeking the connections are very subject of my research and not the unconscious byproduct of practicing specialized disciplines or styles.
- Form-shape-posture as a extremely useful container to investigate the content.
- Scale of muscular Tensions-Release as a practical tool to create physical sensations.
- Dynamics or movement velocity as a major game changer in the human orchestration.
This workshop is a suitable occasion for you to discover my artistry. The experience of it does not depend on your background but requires hunger and interest.
I will be dancing. You can be dancing too if a definition of what dancing means for you has a degree of clarity.
Good wishes to all.
Saturday 16.12.2017
13.00 - 19.00
Sunday 17.12.2017
10.00 - 17.00
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
- 180 CHF for professional dancers and students and early bird (pay before end of November)
- 210 CHF regular
Apply here:
Youtube Clips:
For ever young "dance improvisation on the music"
Faking martial arts
Shoulders treatment session
Pushing the floor
Effortless, relaxed, released, stylish
Trampoline styles
"Travelling through All Asanas"
Performing in "middle level" holy smoking thighs
Usual-less usual, Ordinary-Extraordinary, Common-uncommon
CLARITY on bending forward and coming upright in 3 repetitions.
Warm up, full body motion
Shifting Dance 1
Warm down
Obviously video
Soft and Hard
Suarez - Sur tes lèvres (Clip Officiel) (Official Music Video)
BENDING-STRAIGHTENING ARMS + TREMBLING(Transposition of the same posture in space).
Movement Masterclass w/ Matt Mulligan (UK)
Movement Masterclass w/ Matt Mulligan (UK)
In this 4h workshop we will be exploring different body-mind states:
* Comfort & Play
Finding playful comfortableness in the body through sensation, visualisation, partnerwork, improvisation
* Flow & Transition
Tasks to bring greater awareness to the flow state, and awareness of flowing between the different planes of the body.
Matt Mulligan (BA, FdA, AHEd) is a professional physical educator and founder of BODYROOTS, where he encourages freedom of movement for all. He works with people everyday to help them feel happier, healthier and fitter in body and mind.
Matt's practice is grounded in over a decade spent working intensively with the moving body. He is a conservatoire graduate of both the Northern School of Contemporary Dance and Circomedia Academy of Physical Performance, and has had a touring career as a professional dancer, acrobat and physical theatre specialist.
Matt also graduated from the University of Durham with a degree in Philosophy (1st Class Hons), focussing on the body-mind connection
Sunday 19.11.
13.00 - 17.00
Media Campus, Trakt 7
Freihofstrasse 7
8048 Zürich
CHF 95.- Early Bird / Student price (pay before end of October)
CHF 105.- Regular price
Reserve your spot here:
Movement Masterclass w/ Manon Siv Duquesnay (FR)
Instinct Insolite Movement
1. An inborn pattern of behavior that is characteristic of a species and is often a response to specific environmental stimuli
2. A powerful motivation or impulse
3. An innate capability or aptitude
1. What is against the usual, against the rules
2. Which is different from the habitual and surprises
Instinct Insolite is an oxymoron, a rhetorical figure in which contradictions are combined. It is in this collision that potential for movement happens.
Instinct Insolite is a movement exploration started in 2014 in my degree research project about the importance of physical mobility and contact and connection in daily life. It is a movement vocabulary that has since then been enhanced from travelling to the 4 corners of the world, extracting the essence of each part and blending them together for further explorations.
Instinct Insolite is inspired by contemporary life, movement and dance, martial arts as Kung Fu, Systema & Bjj, Play-Fight, Contact Improvisation, social dances as Lindy Hop & Tango, somatic explorations and performative practices. In Instinct Insolite we dig into a specific term and dissect it enough to reassemble and connect it anew with opened senses, broadened meaning and possibilities. It is the physicalisation of 'when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change.'
This masterclass will be focused on Impact and we will approach the term from which impacts we meet in our daily surroundings. We will pass through different exercises, from shaking method, to systema breathing and drills from martial arts. Getting into and through the aspects of impact, which would normally block and stop us, the class will supply us with tools to confront, meet and change our preconceptions favouring the physical potential of movement and encounter. This is open for everybody, regardless of age and "fitness".
French-Danish dancer and performer Manon will light up the room with her radiance being. Expect her to provide a playground for your inner child - without pre-knowledge, for all ages!
Sunday 22. October
13.00 - 17.00
(4h workshop)
Mediacampus TH2
Freihofstrasse 7
8048 Zürich
- CHF 85.- for professional dancers, students and early bird (pay before 15. October)
- CHF 95.- regular
Movement Masterclass w/ Olivier Goetgeluck (BEL)
"Elite Athlete Training"
Movement Masterclasses are open for everybody interested in movement - No pre-knowledge necessary.
In this class we will investigate and work on:
• The role of a repetitive practice as a daily immunity check in the career of the athlete
• What is the basis of athletic movement quality?
• How to develop an athletic learning environment without intruding in the creative process of the individual?
• What are dominant stressors, individual triggers and how do they influence our motoric decision-making skills?
Participants will be challenged to train their movement ability in a state that demands constant observation. The athlete can never 'sleep' and has to be constantly aware of multiple perceptual tasks at the same time, with additional stressors added as they become better at the task.
The game, whatever your discipline, is never the same. Therefore athletes are stimulated as much as possible in a way that they can learn through self-observation how they cope in demanding moments during practice. Through this type of athletic situations their behavioral flexibility is tested in a training environment that provokes their habitual way of reacting to game-like requirements both physically and emotionally.
The trainer - functioning as the creator of the situations - rather than giving solutions, asks questions such as:
- How well can you stay in your axis during chaos?
- How many things can you be aware of while executing a task?
- How does the quality of your skill-set change under pressure?
- How do different verbal, perceptual and physical stressors influence you?
- What does it mean to be an athlete in relation to your context?
- What is currently overlooked in the development of athletes?
- What is the aging process of the athlete?
- What is the difference between playing on the highest level and
staying at amateur level?
Saturday 23. September 2017
13.00 - 19.00
Sunday 24. September 2017
10.00 - 17.00
Tanzhaus Zürich, Hauptsaal
Wasserwerkstr. 129
8037 Zürich
Olivier Goetgeluck, Belgium
- CHF 180 for professional dancers and students and early bird (pay before end of August)
- CHF 210 regular
Olivier Goetgeluck researches these questions as one of the few close students of Fighting Monkey Practice. Through his experience with athletic development in his homebase Elite Athletes Belgium he functions as a research collaborator for Fighting Monkey, which is a wide cross-disciplinary research platform that aims to expand the capacities of human beings.
Through the experience of Fighting Monkey founders Linda Kapetanea and Jozef Frucek in gymnastics, contemporary dance, sports, martial arts and theater, Fighting Monkey Practice offers a unique and innovative perspective on the domain of human development now extending into the world of athletic domains.
Movement Masterclass w/ Dmitry Paranyushkin (BLN)
∞OS /eight-os/ is a free open-source operating system for the bodymind. Its objective is to provide a set of habits, tools and patterns that promote adaptability, resilience and evolutionary development – both on the personal (user) level and in society at large.
∞OS is a software that runs on the hardware of the human body and that is the primary scale it operates at. Human body is a vessel for discovering, understanding, storing and transmitting information. Life itself has been shaped by evolution and contains many efficient strategies for dealing with the constantly changing world – both on the micro level (biology) and on the macro level (social dynamics). We distill and extract those principles and then systematize them into coherent frameworks, algorithms and procedures, which can be applied in a variety of contexts: from everyday life and intersubjective relations to management and governance.
In our lab sessions we explore various physical, psychological and behavioral patterns in order to challenge our limits and enhance our perception, endurance and adaptability. We hack our own psyche and physicality, playing with it and surprising ourselves with the new outcomes.
In order to do that, we use various bodymind practices, such as Systema martial art, which trains endurance and adaptability, both on the physical and psychological levels. We also apply principles from many other body / cognitive practices, including Noguchi Taiso, aerodynamics, nonlinear dynamics, motion capture, Butoh, Techno, contemporary dance, network science, biology and life sciences, various technological tools, fiction – everything that can stimulate our imagination and expand our horizons.
More info:
A basic principle of ∞OS explained:
"re~receive, re~redirect, re~configure"
Nike x Riccardo Tisci collaboration:
Saturday 5. August 2017
13.00 - 17.00
Tanzhaus Zürich
Media Campus Freihofstr. 7
8048 Zürich
Dmitry Paranyushkin (BLN)
"Since I was a child I realized that while our mind is very good in understanding things, it’s only through our bodies that we can really make sense of them. I learned Karate, Kung-Fu, piano, swimming, contemporary dance, yoga and many other practices and they were all really inspiring in their own way. The most interesting part, however, is combining everything you have learned into a system, abstracting the movement principles in order to better understand how they could be applicable outside of the learned context, creating your own figures of movement (just like we have figures of speech) in order to better communicate with yourself and with the world around."
- 95 CHF regular
- 85 CHF for professional dancers, students and early bird (pay before end of July)
Limited capacity.
Open for everybody.
No previous experience needed.
Apply here:
Movement Masterclass w/ Aaron Cantor (US)
Primal Practice is an intuitive, playful practice that draws from multiple yoga, martial, meditation and movement disciplines for inspiration and insight.
Aaron explains what's it about:
"The practice really needs to be experienced to be understood, but think Yoga, parkour, martial arts, dance, bodywork, meditation, brain-plasticity, improvisation, and creativity. It is strengthening, restorative, calming, intense, playful, contemplative, and immediately applicable to life. - It’s about enhancing physical intelligence; the ability to adapt, learn and thrive in any situation. It’s about increasing our ability to care.
Primal Practice makes you feel smart, strong, and agile. It builds relationships, enhances creativity and it nurtures loving-kindness.
I love teaching and I seek to create environments in which people can learn from each other."
Foundations Of Physical Freedom:
A colorful cluster of foundational practices that nourish your body with a broad spectrum of healthy movement. Over time, these exercises form the neural networks and physical structures that generate vibrant health and foster physical freedom. These preparatory exercises teach you to:
- Modulate tone in your body
- Harness momentum
- Skillfully run the forces of ground and gravity through your system
- Quiet mental chatter
- Amplify awareness of your "inner body"
- Generate altered states of consciousness
Kinetic Koans:
Koans are Zen riddles that reveal our true nature. They cannot be solved by being clever. A koan is cracked when we see beyond the constraints that the question imposes. Kinetic Koans are movement puzzles that invite us to step beyond what the puzzle proposes, into an new relationship to self and space.
Infinite Play:
Play potentiates learning. Games create the conditions for play to occur. We can play from a "finite" or an "infinite" perspective. Finite play aims at ending play, victorious. The goal of infinite play is to continue playing. Primal Practice games are a space in which insight and skill arise and can be refined. The games pique curiosity, evoke laughter, cultivate physical intelligence and develop us as infinite players.
Sunday 4.6.17 (Pfingstsonntag)
---> 13.00 - 17.00
Media Campus, Trakt 7, TH1
Freihofstrasse 7
8048 Zürich
How to get there with public transport
Bus No 31 to stop «SBB-Werkstätte»
Tram No 2 to stop «Freihofstrasse»
Regular CHF 95.-
➝ CHF 85 for professional dancers, students and early bird (pay before end of May)
Payment Details:
Reservations only after payment!
"My father introduced me to yoga when I was 3. Master Wu began teaching me mixed martial arts when I was 8. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and the Thunder Cats helped out from time to time. I climbed lots of trees. I loved talking to my teachers and thinking about the meaning of life. I did art and ran a lot. I studied Zen, read philosophy and learned to walk on my hands. I became excellent at triathlons and starred in the musical HAIR. I dropped out of standardized schooling to join a dance company. I was never a stripper and was never paid to kill. I made modest money painting houses, working on farms, and doing construction. Then I moved to India to do yoga, meditate and look into enlightenment. I live in Western Massachusetts (USA) with my boys Bodhi and Jasper and teach workshops around the world."
Facebook Page
Movement Masterclass w/ Nik Bärtsch (CH)
13./14. Mai, Tanzhaus Zürich
- Presence training
- Rhythm awareness
- Movement merging techniques
Der Workshop richtet sich an Menschen, die interessiert sind an kreativen Körper Techniken, Rhythmus Relationen und musikalischen Bewegungs-Meditationen – unabhängig vom Status als AmateurIn, Profi oder StudentIn.
Samstag 13. Mai 2017
13.00 - 19.00 Uhr
20.00 Uhr Gemeinsames Abendessen TBA
(freiwillig - nicht im Preis inbegriffen)
Sonntag 14. Mai
10.00 - 17.00 Uhr
Tanzhaus Zürich Hauptsaal
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
Regulär CHF 210.–
Early Bird (Zahlung bis Ende April) CHF 180.–
Profi Musiker / Studenten Ermässigung CHF 180.–
– Workshop in Deutsch (oder Englisch)
– Limitierte Workshop Kapazität
– Keine musikalische Erfahrung notwendig
David Suivez -
FB: Movement Masterclass
Nik Bärtsch
Arbeitet als Pianist und Komponist an seiner RITUAL GROOVE MUSIC. Leader des Zenfunk-Quartetts RONIN und der Musik-Ritual-Gruppe MOBILE. Lehrauftrag für ‘Praktische Ästhetik’ an der Musikhochschule ZH/Winterthur. Interesse am Einfluss und der Kombination von Musik und Bewegung, im speziellen von Aikido, Feldenkrais, Gyrotonic. Nik trainiert im Kokoro Aikido Dojo Zürich.
Residencies, Workshops und Lectures an versch. Institutionen: Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance London (UK), Musikhochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig (DE), Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (CH)
Wir werden an fundamentalen Aspekten von funktionalem Bewegen arbeiten, die relevant sind für PerformerInnen
(z.B. Bewegungs-Leute wie TänzerInnen, MusikerInnen oder KampfkünstlerInnen):
• Ausdehnung und Entspannung
• präsent und geerdet bleiben
• Zentrums-basierte Bewegung
• die Balance unter Druck behalten
• Flow und Flexibilität
• Fokus und Bewusstheit
• Kontakt und Interaktion
Rhythmus-, Präsenz- und Reaktions-Training in der Gruppe und als Gruppen-Organismus: Klatsch- und Shaker-Kreise, Pattern und Zyklen-Übungen.
Wir beginnen die Workshop-Tage mit einer 20 minütigen Meditation. Bewegungs- und Rhythmus-Meditationen sind auch Teil der Trainings-Einheiten.
Movement Masterclass w/ Bruno Caverna (BRA)
Movement Masterclass
in collaboration with Tanzhaus Zürich presents:
Play-Fight Easter Retreat
Thursday 13. April to Monday 17. April
“Since i met Bruno and the other teachers at the Play-Fight Camp 2016 in Tuscany i could sense, this would change my life. Not only has the practice he offers led to the creation of the Movement Masterclass but I also started to deviate and expand from the frame of Yoga which I’ve been teaching for almost 4 years. His sensible, uplifting and direct approach both on personal and teaching level are one of the most inspiring i’ve met so far. I can strongly say, that this workshop can improve the way you perceive life.”
Play-Fight / Liquid Body / Formless Art
Play-Fight is a self-empowering physical practice that weaves together elements from various dancing styles, capoeira and russian martial art systema. The exploration goes beyond the fringes of mere physicality. Play-Fight carries the potential to be a” life practice”, as often been portrait by participants, for acknowledging and including a myriad aspects in human interactions and expressions. Apart from developing instinctual intelligence as well as flexible and strong bodies, we learn how to keep a calm and resilient mind under controlled stress-induced events. The embodiment of principles of non-resistance and non-violence is at the top of all achievements allowing us to go back to the flow, our original state of being.
Ground engagement and movement
Tactile sensitivity
Flow state
Spiral power
Breathe work and Mind States
The Human Gym
Tension/relaxation – from external to internal movement
Bruno Caverna is originally from Rio de Janeiro and started practicing a vast array of physical practices at the age of 8, such as capoeira, contact-improvisation, contemporary dance, acrobatics, taiji, qi-gong and russian martial arts – systema, just to mention a few. In 1994 Bruno started teaching/sharing passionately and tirelessly his life experiences with people from all walks of life in more than 30 countries. He authored Formless Arts, an umbrela for Play-Fight and Liquid Body practices as a result of a vision that questions our crystalized concepts while at the same time interweaving a multitude of disciplines and tribes through a common thread. Currently Bruno currently is based in Russia where he is given the privilege to learn internal martial arts and other concealed knowledge from renowned russian masters.
Thursday 13.4. at 17.00
➝ Open Information/Demonstration/Get-together
Everybody welcome! Free entry.
Friday 14.4. - Monday 17.4.
- Workshop Days
10.00 - 17.30 (tbc) with Lunch Break
Monday 17.4. at 14.00
➝ Open Jam, Zack Bernstein will lead into the Jam with a CI warm up
(CHF 30.- for not Workshop attendees)
Tanzhaus Zürich Hauptsaal
Wasserwerkstrasse 129
8037 Zürich
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
4 days
CHF 410.-
➝ Early Bird (Pay before the end of March)
CHF 380.-
➝ Professional Dancer / Student Price
CHF 360.-
Payment / Information Details:
Movement Masterclass w/ David Suivez (CH)
Where dance meets martial arts principles
"From confrontation to collaboration"
Friday 24. March 17 / 3pm - 5pm
Venue: CCDC Studio
➝ Price 100 HKD (pay at the door)
Reserve your spot by sending an email
In this course, applied fighting principles are re-contextualised in the context of dance. References to Capoeira, Aikido and Tai-chi, tango and contact improvisation flow into one another and form unique movements and states of the body and mind.
The workshop will consist of:
- Movement meditation and breathing
- Mobility and Yoga stretching
- The art of touch
- Partner Games
- Principles of non resistance
- Play-fighting
David Suivez teaches Yoga and researches in the field of Bruno Caverna's "Play-Fight". His background is a deep interest in movement based forms such as martial arts, Yoga, Dance and transdisciplinal approaches of the healing arts (Cranio-sacral Therapy, Thai Yoga Massage). His main focus is to bridge different movement based disciplines like yoga, martial arts and healing arts.
The class is supported by
CCDC Dance Centre Partnership Program.
Movement Masterclass w/ Benjamin Joon (GER)
"I haven't met Benjamin yet, but I stumbled upon his name several times while researching movement in different frameworks.
I saw some videos and then immediately wanted to invite him.
His heartfelt approach of balancing spirituality and movement seem very focused on awareness. Something everybody can definitely profit from - looking very much forward meeting him!"
Saturday 11.2.17
---> 14.00 - 18.00
Media Campus, Trakt 7, TH1
Freihofstrasse 7
8048 Zürich
How to get there with public transport
Bus No 31 to stop «SBB-Werkstätte»
Tram No 2 to stop «Freihofstrasse»
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
➝ Student's Price 65.-
➝ Early Bird Price 65.- (Pay before the end of January)
Payment Details:
Reservations only after payment!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Movement Play is a playful practice for the exploration and development of the human potential and is based on three pillars: PLAY - MARTIAL ARTS - AWARENESS
Develop the intelligence and creativity of your body and strengthen your joints and muscles through a playful, natural and holistic practice.
In addition to the principles of self-defense, you discover the qualities of a peaceful warrior: equanimity, self-confidence, compassion, intuition, surrender, clarity, strength and gentleness.
Meditationen in movement and silence promotes your mental abilities and supports the natural flow of energies.
The workshop will cover different topics:
- Meditation exercise
- Warm up & mobility exercises
- Principles from martial arts
- Partner/Sparring Games
- Principles of contact improvisation
- Playfighting
Benjamins 'Movement Play' is particularly marked by his passionate relationship with the martial arts. Since his childhood, he has been practicing the principles and techniques of Judo, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, Qi-Gong, MMA and Jiu Jitsu. Other influences come from various meditation exercises, Rootlessroot Fighting Monkey, Matan Levkowich Animal Instinct and Contact Improvisation. His meditation practice is influenced by Sri Ramana Maharshi, Lars Basczok, Thich Nhat Hanh and Byron Katie.
Facebook Page
Movement Masterclass w/ Tomislav English (UK)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ferus Animi // Terra Nova
"After Tom's physically intense workshop i felt my body as if it has been thrown all over the floor... but I felt also great and energetically uplifted - why? Having danced and play-fighted with him I experienced the softness of his teaching (not talking about the hard floor!), his precise and technical knowledge to deeper layers of human movements. I felt understood and i was able to integrate many insights from the workshop into my own practice of movement."
Sunday 15.1.17
---> 12.00 - 16.00
Media Campus, Trakt 7
Freihofstrasse 7
8048 Zürich
How to get there with public transport
Bus No 31 to stop «SBB-Werkstätte»
Tram No 2 to stop «Freihofstrasse»
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
➝ Student's Price 65.-
➝ Early Bird Price 65.- (Pay before the end of December)
Payment Details:
Reservations only after payment!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tomislav's practice is informed by ongoing movement research under the teachings of Grand Master Tae Yong Lee (Teuk Gong Moo Sool-8th Dan, Tae Kwon Do-8th Dan, Hap Ki Do-8th Dan, Kick Boxing-7th Dan, Gum Do-8th Dan), David Zambrano, Rootlessroot, Bruno Caverna, Ido Portal, Iñaki Azpillaga and Edivaldo Ernesto amongst others, in addition to academic research at Royal Holloway, University of London and the University of Oxford (Department of Psychiatry).
Tomislav English is a co-founder of movement research collective Ferus Animi // Terra Nova, a group of cross disciplinary artists and scientists researching in the field of human evolutionary physiology and environmental adaptation, through both a scientific and artistic lens.
More info, pictures and videos here:
Movement Masterclass w/ Matan Levkovich (AT)
The monthly workshop series starts with Matan Levkowich from Vienna, hosted by Tanzhaus Zürich at Media Campus.
I met Matan at the Play-Fight Camp in Italy where his profound knowledge in movement based form is only topped by his hunger and eager to learn and understand more of what movement does and is.
I'm very happy to experience his approach of his ongoing research called "Animal Instinct - Universal Movement Practice"
What to expect:
- Swinging weirdly with your arms
- Rolling on the floor like a child
- Pushing, falling, hanging, crawling
- Punching, absorbing, recycling
- etc.
I hope to see you there - Yogis, Dancers, Movement Specialists, Martial Art People, Curious Minds and everybody in between.
Saturday 8.10.16
14.00 - 18.00
Media Campus - TH1, Freihofstrasse 7, 8048 Zürich
13 Minutes from Zürich Mainstation by BUS 31 towards Schlieren.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Secure your spot via
Or via email:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Now let the man talk by himself:
"Animal instinct is an ongoing movement research. The hardcore of this practice is to gain freedom in motion. By moving away from any ideology, style or form, we can reexamine our physical abilities with fresh eyes. The work refers to information from various movement disciplines (functional anatomy and biomechanics, martial arts, somatic practices, contemporary dance & C.I) and offers a wide spectrum of tools to study our body, to understand movement and communicate physically."
Topics that will be investigated:
• Body preparations (warmup/cool down)
• Flexibility and movement fluidity
• Undulations, spirals and figure of 8 patterns
• Muscle tonality & contraction types
• Static and dynamic equilibrium
• Hands as feet and feet as hands
• Proprioception & Reflexive awareness
• Structural limitation & manipulation
• The full range of speed
• Physical Adaptation & mental resilience
• Freedom of expression
Matan Levkowich is a dancer, choreographer and graphic designer. Movement Lab represents all his artistic engagements in the field of dance, performance and movement education. Matan's approach to movement is based on the study of the body's intuition. The study of intuition enables to navigate through instability and develops trust in the body's capacities. His choreographic works inspired by social phenomena and human behavior. From his base in Vienna, Austria, he tours around Europe, presenting his choreographic work, performing and leading workshops.
Past Playdates at Hotel Greulich / Tanzhaus Zürich
Playful Interaction w/ David Suivez
- Warm-up
- Partner Games
- Introduction into Possible Playfight Principles
- Let's Play/fight!
Get in earlier to Get ticket
Studio 2 / Tanzhaus Zurich
Playful Interaction w/ Sylvie Chen
How far can ONE breathe bring us to travel?
How soft can the bones hang in space - slowly falling .
Not necessarily with physical touch, by imaging of light & shadows drawing inside of the body, receiving gifts such as icecream on face/chest/hip, then we can react & play.
Monday 24.8.
8-9pm with live Music & Organic Voice
30.-/pay at Tanzhaus Office
Open Class Special: Playfight by Sylvie Chen (Part 4)
As slow as the light, as speed as a falling stone - surprising interactions between human bodies.
Welcome to join the Play together with Sylvie Chen aka Buto Switzerland
Monday 17th Feb. 8pm -9pm Open class in Tanzhaus Zürich (Replacing David Suivez on that date)
20.- pay at Nude Zurich
Open Class Special: Playfight by Sylvie Chen (Part 3)
“What to do when someone does this or that to me?” Thanks to understanding of our own desire, combined with developed spirals movement skills, we can react in speed to complex behavior facing others by announcing respect.
Playful exercises with Sylvie Chen: Original exploration with our voices & our look, also daily objects such as umbrella, apple, bags which will be used as tools for Self Defense.
Pay at the Bar
Open Class Special: Playfight by Sylvie Chen (Part 1 & 2)
“What to do when someone does this or that to me?” Thanks to understanding of our own desire, combined with developed spirals movement skills, we can react in speed to complex behavior facing others by announcing respect.
Playful exercises with Sylvie Chen: Original exploration with our voices & our look, also daily objects such as umbrella, apple, bags which will be used as tools for Self Defense.
Pay at the Bar
Playdate w/ Sylvie Chen
To take part in a multi-disciplanary, inter-culture & inter-generational moving experiences:
Exploration of 3 metamorphoses in animals.
How can daily life objects transform into surprising physical movement?
How can we celebrate emotional memories & use it as a tool in partnering.
- Introduction of breathing methode inspired from Zen.
- Creative dialogue in Hand expressions
- Indian snakes, japanese snakes, fusion snakes
- Perception of momentum in poetic rollings & fallings
- Playful games in Duo & Trio
Welcome to bring your grandparents, ur children or partner (if you have one… if you don’t, you will get a surprising Partner as gift).
“Karada ha Karada. The body is empty. The Tao is open”
Sylvie Xing Chen is a sino-swiss performer and choreographer in dance theater, specialized in japanese Butoh, chinese opera & Taichi-Dance. Her solo & groupe choreography have been shown in various festivals in Switzerland, Vianna, Berlin, Tokyo, Macau, Lisboa & Shanghai China. Her last engagement as dancer was collaborating with ZHDK project choreography Emanuel Gat. Since 2014 she teaches Butoh dance & guided improvisation Workshop for professional dancers & comediens in Fengmian Art Center in China, Rui Cunha Foundation in Macau, Tanzfabrik Berlin & in Zurich Tanzhaus Wildcard.
Her childhood spent in Shaolin temple & later studied in Zen temple in japan bring her on the practice of emptiness. This enriches her research in different artistic expressions such as dancing, painting, calligraphy. Always switching between Asien & Europe , she takes inspirations from her daily life cultural fusions & conflits then translate them into creative prozess.
Playdate w/ Lyn Bentschik
We will move continuously, working on pushing with our bodies against the resistance of the floor and other bodies in a slow and steady manner.
An internal focus of balance between action and reaction will lead us through partnering and group exercises, ending in some sweet relaxation. An open and playful approach encourages intuitive choice making and lots of sweaty fun. Let’s push and lift each other up!!
Lyn is a contemporary dancer and (long durational) performance artist based in Zurich. She is educated at Copenhagen Contemporary Dance School and the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm and has collaborated with various artists all over Europe. After an intensive period of reperforming Marina Abramović’s work she is now busy creating and researching her own work in Zurich.
Her movement practice is deeply rooted in the fascination for the intelligence of the body and the believe to turn the hierarchy between body and mind upside down.
Playdate w/ Anna Nero
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Empowering your Voice!
In this class we will discover and embrace our individual voices and learn how to use it for our purpose.
Passionate about opera from an early age, Swiss Mezzo-Soprano Anna Nero has been working on some of her favoured roles such as Sesto (Mozart’s „La clemenza di Tito“), Cenerentola (Rossini’s „La Cenerentola“) and Charlotte (Massenet’s „Werther“). She performed her first major role in 2012, playing Jenny Diver in Britten’s “The Beggar’s Opera” (Kulturkeller UG Luzern). She would go on to perform Eloisa in Bellini’s “Bianca e Fernando” (2017, St. Moritz, CH), Tisbe in Rossini’s “La Cenerentola” (2018, Oper Schloss Hallwyl, CH) and is currently performing as Annina in Verdi’s La Traviata (Luzerner Theater, CH).
During her studies at the Lucerne School of Music, she was awarded several scholarships by prestigious foundations such as the Elvira Lüthi-Wegmann Stiftung or Migros-Kulturprozent, and is a recipient of the 2019 Richard Wagner Gesellschaft Stipendium Bayreuth. She has worked in masterclasses with Ton Koopman, Brigitte Fassbaender and Margreet Honig.
As a founding member of the Zurich-based Colléctif Visionnaire, Anna is regularly trying to bring classical and crossover music to new audiences. The quintet is actively trying to reach young audiences by performing special arrangements in urban settings.
Anna Nero lives in Zurich, Wiedikon.
Playdate w/ Fergus Turner (South Africa)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Freedom Style Mixed Movement Arts
Freedom MMA is a mixed martial art synergy, offering a variety of self defence and combat skills for scenarios involving single or multiple attackers, armed or unarmed combat, arrest, removal and non-violent conflict resolution. Freedom MMA can also be practiced as a health exercise and as an exercise in awareness.
Training is presented through four modalities: martial yoga, forms training, contact work, and application work.
Warm up with Martial Yoga as the foundation for flowing freestyle movement. It contains the essential movements, postures and breath concepts of tai chi, capoeira, and muay thai.
Forms Work is the learning of sequenced flows of martial movements. Forms are libraries of information and they are the way knowledge was encoded and passed on in the ancient martial traditions.
Contact Work consists of various contact games, drills and sparring scenarios that allow students to develop their skills intuitively. Through play they become familiar with contact in many different situations using a complete variety of techniques.
Application Work is the practice of specific techniques to deal with specific attacks.
Freedom Style MMA
Alive Dance Studio
Playdate w/ Amber Dubinsky
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Deinem inneren Tänzer begegnen
(English below)
Wir alle tragen einen inneren Tänzer in uns, der jenseits der eigenen Geschichten und Begrenzungen voller Lebenskraft tanzt. Diesen wundervollen wilden, mutigen und zärtlichen Archetypus bringen wir in den Ausdruck unseres eigenen Tanzes. Die vier Elemente, Erde, Feuer, Wasser und Luft stehen uns dabei zur Seite - über den tänzerischen Ausdruck erkennen wir sie auch in uns. Wir fühlen, schwitzen, schweben und landen auf der Erde, bereit für den Tanz des Lebens.
Warmup in Zweiergruppe: Im Tanz erforschen wir uns selbst und nehmen gleichzeitig unser Gegenüber wahr - was wird erzählt über mich und den Anderen?
Innerer Tänzer: Wir tanzen und bezeugen die inneren Tänzer in uns und der anderen. Mutig unseren Impulsen folgend zeigen wir uns.
Tanz der Elemente: Begleitet durch die entsprechende Musik ertanzen wir frei die Elemente. Fragen führen Dich noch tiefer hinein.
Abschluss: Kleines Sharing
Über mich
Mein Tanzlehrer ist das Leben selbst. Seit vielen Jahren ist Tanz Teil meines Leben und ich habe viele Richtungen wie Movement Medicine, Soulmotion oder 5 Rhythmen erfahren. Der Tanz ist immer mehr Kanal geworden, innere Energien zu erfahren und in den Ausdruck zu bringen. Das ganze Spektrum meiner Gefühle nehme ich dadurch wahr und bringe sie in den Ausdruck. Stille, Wildheit, Wut, Trauer, Mut, unbändige Freude und Dankbarkeit. Tanzen hilft mir meinen Ausdruck weit über den Tanz hinaus in alle Lebensbereiche zu tragen. Ich schaffe Räume, um diese Erfahrung weiterzugeben
Je leichter uns das Tanzen auf dem “Dancefloor” gelingt, desto geschmeidiger wird der Tanz des Lebens.
Encounter your inner dancer
We all carry an inner dancer in us full of life energy who lives beyond our stories and limitations. We bring this wonderful, wild, courageous and tender archetype into expression through our dance. The four elements earth, fire, water and air stand by our side - through the expression of dance we recognize them inside ourselves. We feel, sweat, float and land on earth, ready for dancing life.
Warmup in pairs: Through dance, we explore ourselves and our partner simultaneously - what is being told about me and the other?
Inner dancer: We dance and witness the inner dancer in us and the others. Courageously we follow our impulses and show who we are.
Dance of the elements: Accompanied by music we freely dance to the elements. Questions lead you deeper within.
Closing: short sharing.
About me
My dancing teacher is life itself. Dance has become a part of my life for many years and I have gotten to experience directions like Movement Medicine, Soulmotion or 5 Rhythms. Dance has increasingly become a channel to experience my inner energies and to give them an expression. Thereby I am able to sense the entire spectrum of my feelings and give them a shape. Stillness, wildness, anger, grief, courage, unbounded joy and gratitude. Dance helps me extend my expression far beyond the dance into all fields of life. I create spaces to pass on this experience.
The easier we dance on the dancefloor, the smoother our dance of life is.
Playdate w/ Martin Šalanda
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
We meet in playfight club, that means to fight, to play, to share.
We meet together to practice, observe discover and share the patterns, schemes, and emotions followed by our actions. We discover our inner warrior through movement and power expression. We train our muscles of setting boundaries and holding our center. We play, we move, we fight and we connect with ourselves and a partner.
About Martin Šalanda
Performer, Lecturer, Possibility manager. Born in 1987. He studied Computer Science at FI MUNI and the Studio of Physical Theater at JAMU. He has been creating performances on large and small Czech and foreign scenes with Jaro Viňarsky, Roman Zotov, Nadar Rosano, Jan Kodet, Maxim Didenko and Spitfire Company. He has led several workshops focused on bodywork and body expression.
He is approaching emotions with curiosity and holding space for conscious feeling and healing. He organizes and holds space for male circles and PlayFight Club meetings.
Playdate w/ Abhishek Chakraborty
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
Budokon is a well-rounded body and mind training that combines three of the oldest movement disciplines: yoga, martial arts and calisthenics.
Abi will give us a taste of the mixed movement Budokon practice during the Playdate session. We will explore Budokon Yoga, which combines elements of yoga and martial art. It’s a constant flow, where the poses and the transitions between the poses are equally important – it’s fluid, circular, strong and beautiful at the same time. We will also look into mobility, which is free form movement, that takes inspiration from floor-work techniques, light acrobatics & animal locomotion. It's playful and at the same time challenges your brain.
Abi is the founder of Flow Village Movement studio in Zurich. Movement has always been important in his life. He practiced Martial Art for 12 years back in India and later he discovered Budokon by an accident. He immediately fell in love with the aesthetics, fluidity, freedom and strength of Budokon. He is a 500h certified Budokon teacher and 200h certified Yoga teacher. Abi takes inspiration from various movements like capoeira, modern dance, break dance, acrobatics, animal locomotion, yoga, etc. to build his flows. In 2018, Abi founded Flow Village in order to teach various Mixed Movement styles. His goal is to make movement accessible to everyone and takes great pleasure in teaching.
More info:
Playdate w/ Anna Hofmann
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Encounters triggered by moving bodies.
It’s fun to play with encounters through movement cause in everyday life there’s just not enough room for devoted and meaningful interactions with eachother. This is why in this workshop I want to share games/ exercises/ rituals with you focusing on the shared experience of presence. We’ll deal with the freed energy (your feelings, your visions) by accepting it and letting it be.
Please bring trainers and something warm to put on.
My name’s Anna and I am a performing arts artist from Hamburg (GER) with a background in dance. I am mainly based In Zuerich for the past 5 years and finishing up my masters degree in theatre at the ZHdK at the moment (University of the Arts, Zuerich). I’m intrested in the social, sociopolitical, as well as the healing and empowering aspects of movement.
Playdate w/ Sylvie Chen
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
To experience our animal spirit & humain physical by moving both in natural reactions. Exploration of different fingers connected with inside & outside space followed by using other bodies as fingers. To celebrate dogs breathing in soft fighting performance and apply it as a tool in a yoga dance.
- Introduction of passive waves inspired from ancient QiKung
- spinal warm up with breathing techniques
- Creative dialogue between fingers & toes
- Dogs & Cats fusion steps
- Playful fighting games in Duo
Welcome to bring your partner (if you have one… if you don’t, you will get a surprising Partner as gift)
“Karada ha Karada. The body is empty. The Tao is open”
Sylvie Xing Chen is a sino-swiss berlin-based performer and choreographer in dance theater, specialized in japanese Butoh, chinese opera & Taichi-Dance. Her solo & groupe choreography have been shown in various festivals in Switzerland, Vianna, Berlin, Tokyo, Macau, Guangzhou & Shanghai China. Her last engagement as dancer was collaborating with ZHDK project choreography Emanuel Gat. Since 2014 she teaches Butoh dance & guided improvisation Workshop for professional dancers & comediens in Fengmian Art Center in China, Rui Cunha Foundation in Macau, Tanzfabrik Berlin & in Zurich Tanzhaus Wildcard. Since 2010 with her company ButoInSwitzerland, promoted by swiss embassy, they are touring their dance theater piece with art installation and film production each Dec. in China & in Japan.
Her childhood spent in Shaolin temple & later studied in Zen temple in japan bring her on the practice of emptiness. This enriches her research in different artistic expressions such as dancing, painting, calligraphy. Always switching between Asia & Europe , she takes inspirations from her daily life cultural fusions & conflits then translate them into creative prozess.
Playdate w/ Rebecca Schmid
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Beyond Yoga
In this class we will move our warriors away from the mat.
There is no wrong, there is no right. There is no alignement, no stillness, no limitation, but here is movement. As little as it starts, as unlimited it becomes.
This playful class is focused on movements based on yoga postures, but never still and never in the same spot. Let go what you learned about alignment in previous yoga classes and interact with people around you. Get back to your experiences as a child. Move, play and trust with an open mind. No prior yoga knowledge demanded. Come as you are. Be ready to sweat.
Playdate w/ Dr. Luv
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Your favourite Bboy Class!
Tauche ein in die Welt des bboying. Lerne wie man mit simplen Schritten die Musik interpretieren und rocken kann. Let the music move you ...
Erste Break Erfahrung habe ich mit 13.
Seitdem Österreichischer Vize und Schweizermeister. Ausserdem seit 10 Jahren Battlehost, Organisator von vielen Battles in der Schweiz & Moderator der ersten Tanzradioshow (Your favourite Bboxshow) auf der Welt. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Wien. Mit 18 bin ich in die Schweiz gezogen.
Playdate w/ Lisa Ramstein
Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Du erlernst die Technik der Spielelemente für die Darstellung von inszenierten Kampfszenen: Kicks, Schläge, Rollen, Fliegen, Fallen, sowie die physische und die emotionale Reaktion darauf. In einem weiteren Schritt lernst du Improvisationsverfahren. In Kampfchoreografien wendest du die erlernten Spielelemente praktisch an.
Beim inszenierten Kampf ist das Gespür für den Partner, die Distanz und die Kontrolle über sich und den Augenblick, sowie die Einschätzung der eigenen Kraft und deren Wirkung von grosser Bedeutung. Dies übst du anhand von Partnerübungen, welche das Sensorium und die Aufmerksamkeit schulen.
Leichte Turnschuhe, langärmliges Shirt und lange Trainingshose.
Playdate w/ Tanja Boppart
GAGA - deep sensory body awakening
connecting to our bodies and movement through sensation initiates and supports change in the way we experience ourselves and the world. becoming aware of sensations, being present in the awareness of the scope of our sensations becomes synonymous with opening space. the opening is a listening into the sequence of sensation, feeling and action. in this space we have the possibility of making choices on how and where we direct attention and intention, how we guide and alchemise energy in movement, in the body and into the world.
in this session i invite you for a movement research from and into the sensory body.
pleasure and playfulness are our guides while exploring a range of different qualities and textures in our movement.we use imagery and touch to explore the body’s many layers and dive into multi layered tasks, challenging our habitual patterns and awaken numb areas in the body. employing forms and patterns serves us as a creative restraint, feeding into our movement vocabulary as well as mirroring to us how we make use of our knowledge.
i am sourcing my research from the study and teaching of Gaga, contemporary dance and yoga asana. the passion that fuels me is about being in the experience of flow and the many subtle ways in which we can gain knowledge through the body in motion. further, i am invested in the skill of being fluid,becoming comfortable in a large variety of energetic states.
Tanja is a dancer, Gaga teacher and Yoga practitioner.
Born and raised in Switzerland, she graduated from SEAD training program in 2007. She is a recipient of the conveyor scholarship from the Tanzquartier in Vienna, where she started her career as a freelance dancer and teacher. She collaborates with choreographers and artists of other disciplines on projects as well as creating her own work in Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Israel and New York City.
In 2008 she began to immerse herself into the practice and study of yoga with her teacher Sri Louise, under whose guidance she completed 400 hours of teacher training in Vienna and Rishikesh, India. She was invited to assist Sri Louise in workshops and a 50 hour yoga teacher training for dancers at Impulstanz Festival in 2011, 2013 and 2018.
After taking her first Gaga classes in 2011 in New York, she moved to Tel aviv one year later where Gaga became part of her daily practice. In 2018 she got certified to teach Gaga after completing the teachers course under the artistic direction of Bosmat Nossan.
Playdate w/ Naomi & Joëlle
Break The Floor!
It's about getting to that point where you leave a piece of soul in what you're doing. We will develop a basic floor technique, break free and overcome boundaries. The goal is to find a connection with the floor, to cross one's own comfort zone and to develop movements by interacting alone and in connection with a partner. This partnerwork is extremly important for us because we are twins and always explored together. So let’s share this!
Joëlle Karfich
23 years old, lives in Strasbourg, France.
She is a breakdance and contemporary dancer, studying "performing arts" at the University of Strasbourg.
Naomi Karfich
23 years old, lives in Freiburg, Germany.
She is also a breakdance and contemporary dancer, studying « health sciences » at the University of education of Freiburg.
Both started dancing at a young age with jazz and modern dance. In their youth they discovered urban dance styles. Since then, they have been fascinated by them and the fusion of both styles.
Nowadays both travel around the world to participate at dance festivals and battles. Last year they and their crew won the Breakleague in Germany.
Playdate w/ Mauro Bringolf - Part 1 & 2
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 & Wednesday, March 13, 2019
Exploring basic acrobatic ideas of Tricking
In diesem Workshop werden wir grundlegende Bewegungsmuster im Tricking anschauen und in einfache, ungefährliche Elemente herunterbrechen. Das Spielen mit diesen Bewegungen soll neue Inspiration für das eigene interdisziplinäre Movement-Repertoire liefern.
Seit knapp zehn Jahren bringe ich mir selbst Tricking bei und habe an Battles in ganz Europa teilgenommen. Neben Power und Competition haben mich aber auch die kreative Seite und Individualität in dieser Akrobatikform von Anfang fasziniert.
“Tricking is a training discipline that combines kicks with flips and twists from gymnastics as well as many dance moves and styles from breakdancing. It aims to achieve an aesthetic display of different combinations of "tricks". Tricking practitioners are commonly referred to as trickers or tricksters - Wikipedia”
Playdate w/ David Nyffenegger
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Im kommenden Playdate befassen wir uns mit einem Thema, das ich mit dem Begriff Coorditioning zusammenfasse und drei Bewegungskonzepte miteinander vereint, die sich oft überlappen und in fast allen Bewegungsdisziplinen vorkommen (wenn auch in verschiedenen Gewichtungen):
- Koordination
- Kondition
- Kollaboration
Da es sich um übergeordnete und auch abstrakte Konzepte handelt, lassen sie sich nicht an und für sich behandeln. Stattdessen sind wir auf die Ausübung von verschiedenen Bewegungsszenarios angewiesen um diese Konzepte zu konkretisieren.
Diese Bewegungsszenarios strukturieren die Session und dienen als Impulse um die eigene Bewegungspraxis im Tanz-, Kampf-, Akrobatik- und Alltagsbereich zu erweitern und vertiefen.
Für alle Levels und Bewegungsbereiche geeignet.
David Nyffenegger studiert Kunst & Medien an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste und verfolgt seit mehreren Jahre eine disziplinsübergreifende Bewegungspraxis, die grösstenteils von der Ido Portal Methode inspiriert ist.
Playdate w/ Reut Nahum feat. Steve Buchanan (Live Musician)
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Radial Rhythm X PLAYDATE
At this playdate Reut will share her practice together with Steve Buchanan. Steve is
a brilliant musician and part of his practice is with DIY instrument 2nd Line
Reut is a performer based in Zurich. Her practice root is a complex of various dance techniques.
Steve is multi-instrumentalist and dancer.Based in Zurich he tours often nationally and internationally. reference can be found here:
Steve and I have started to work together in order to deepen sound X movement connections aiming to establish certain tools and create our new landscapes.
**My instrument is my body. It`s friction creates sound. It’s structure absorbs and reflects. Therefore we can hear and speak with our body as any other medium can do**
We would like to explore and share some of our innovative practice with the group. No movement or musical experience required.
The basic inquiry of this workshop will be to help sharpen and clarify our perception, definition, utilization of rhythm. Though our practice will center on music and dance, our goal will be a much broader interpretation of what rhythm is and can be.
Playdate w/ Tiffany
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Just in time for some mid-February LOVE ACTION, we’re going to activate and energize your PELVIC PULSE.
This Play date is for everybody, wear comfy clothes and if you have something red in your closet, you betta wear it. Everybody’s free to feel good and bring your partner or friends along for the fun.
18 years of Yoga practice and over 20 yrs of dance have solidified my inner knowledge and taught me the importance of building fundamental health from the ROOT.
As a naturopathic practitioner I specialize in Psychosomatic causality and have learned how often woman and men not only are structurally blocked in this region but also energetically. The symptoms which are caused by pelvic stagnation or blockage in this region are endless, some of the leading are low libido, low self-confidence and feelings of insecurity or feeling stuck or disconnected within.
In my Pelvic Puls movement class we’re going to activate through pelvic play, movement and breathing technique.
I’ll be sure to mix in some anatomical knowledge, energetic wisdom, some ancient practice and lots of fun, rooted and sensual movement.
Get ready to awaken your pelvic power just in time for Valentine’s Day with feeling the vibe and the base and BASS. 😉
Let’s get that Root Chakra and Pelvic Puls energized!
Playdate w/ Matyas Bokor
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Awareness in motion.
Körper und Geist als getrennt zu betrachten, ist dem fernöstlichen Denken fremd.
Mit der gemeinsamen Erfahrung von Achtsamkeit, Konzentration und Fokus
beschäftigen wir uns in diesem Workshop mit „remaining mind“:
Das ist die Bewusstwerdung von äusserer wie innerer Haltung vor, während und nach einem Bewegungsablauf.
Mit Ansätzen aus Shodo, Yoga und Karatedo erarbeiten wir uns einen möglichen Weg zur Verbesserung und Bewusstwerdung des individuellen Bewegungsgefühls.
Level: Beginner und Fortgeschrittene
Matyas Bokors Weg begann in seiner frühen Kindheit mit ersten Privatlektionen in Tanz und Jeet Kune Do. Im Alter von 10 Jahren wechselte er zum Karate. Total begeistert von Kumite besuchte er als junger Karateka zahlreiche Turniere.
Nach einem Gasshuku (jap 合宿, Trainingslager) im Frühjahr 2003 beschloss er, sich dem Studium von Katas zu widmen.
Parallel besucht Matyas immer wieder Lehrgänge in Thai Chi, Yoga und Krav Maga. Das Üben von Katas ist noch immer der wichtigste Bestandteil seines Weges.
Playdate w/ Diane Gemsch
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
In dieser einmaligen Session werden wir auf die Suche gehen nach dem Puls in uns. Was ist unser uns inneliegender Beat, groove, unser Herzschlag. Wie beeinflusst dieser unser Verständnis von Bewegung. Wie kann in anhand von meinem mir inneliegenden groove mehr Freude und Gelassenheit generieren. Und wie hilft dieser Puls mich zu mehr Energie zu kommen.
Ich freue mich, an diesem Dienstag Abend gemeinsam zu erforschen und sowohl in Stille, als auch mit Musik auf der Welle unseres Herschlags zu surfen!
Diane Gemsch is a professional dancer with more than 13 years of experience in teaching and performing. Her performing career has brought her all over the world, from South Africa to Central and South America, and all over Europe. She has been teaching in different institutions to professionals and amateurs. She graduated with a BA in Modern Dance and physical theater in the Netherlands at Hoogschool voor de Kunsten Tilburg and in Belgium at the Royal Conservatory of Antwerp. She is continuously studying with various teachers in different dance styles and movement-related practices. Next to her dance training, she is a yoga practitioner and gives Thai massages.
Her own investigation in dance and life is represented in her classes, which invite you to improve your coordination and strengthen your inherent musicality, learn how to be more efficient, where to put effort, and where to let go and teach your system to work with its spirals. Diane aims that her students feel encouraged to more freedom in movement and to broaden their capacities, go beyond their limits, always through the help of imagery. You will be invited to follow her into her perception of movement, dance and life.
Playdate w/ Matteo Tangi presents: Playfight
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
We invite you to connect with your body, your strength, your emotions and with other human being in a mindful, playful and safe way. We invite you to PLAYFIGHT!
--- What is Playfight? ---
It's a powerful practice to rediscover yourself and regain consciousness about your movements, your playfulness and conscious strength. This unique lineage of bodywork developed by Matteo Tangi, aims to develop your physical and emotional intelligence and connect with others in an authentic, primal and wonderfully human way!
More info about Playfight at
--- Who is the Facilitator? ---
Matteo Tangi is a trainer and therapist, he works with different approaches that involve emotion, movement, and playful fight to empower individuals to have a more meaningful and conscious way of living. More info:
--- Do I need special requirements?---
The wish of getting to know yourself and others more. That's all. You don't need any physical preparation, or capacities. If you have injuries or any weak ligaments just mention it at the beginning of the session.
Playdate w/ Zoe Ingellis
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
"Listen to Dance"
«Become a radical listener of your body
Let go more and more
Dive into the infinite layers of your physical body
Deeper and deeper
Break your perception down to a molecular level
Meet your Spirit beyond your borders and
Find your devoted authentic expression
through voice and movement.»
In my over 20 years of experience in the field of movement- and vocal performance, today, more than ever, I feel an essential urgency to reconnect people with their bodies and voices. „Listen to Dance“ is a call to increase your sensitivity and become more aware of your physical existence and to joyfully expand the potential of movement availability. It does not matter if you are a professional dancer or whether you are pursuing a different calling: your body and voice are the purest ways of expressing yourself.
My work is a gathering of my experiences in classical ballet, contemporary dance and especially my deep interest in gaga movement language, connected to many years of work in classical singing, overtone techniques, and voice therapy, I make use of the profound techniques of visualization, devotion, and pleasure in movement. I see my work as a holistic way and as a commitment to living life in full self-responsibility, presence, and art.
Zoe Ingellis
Dancer* Performer* Choreographer* Voice Artist* / Therapist*
Kundalini Yoga Teacher* Organic Farmer* Älpler*In
Playdate w/ Julia Kathriner
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Für Bewegungsinteressierte mit und ohne Vorkenntnisse.
Inspiriert und informiert durch die Body Mind Centering Methode (BMC) wird uns das Knochensystem als Atlas dabei helfen verschiedene Wege von Kontakt zu erforschen.
Wir beginnen bei unseren Füssen und arbeiten mit Bewegungsausdruck von Stimme und Berührung.
"Body-Mind Centering erforscht systematisch alle Körpersysteme: Knochen, Bänder und Faszien, Muskeln, Organe, endokrine Drüsen, Atmung und die Stimme sowie die Körperflüssigkeiten, die Sinnesorgane und das Nervensystem. Jedes dieser Körpersysteme repräsentiert eine spezifische Seinsqualität. Wenn wir uns dem Skelett und den Knochen zuwenden, erfahren wir Stabilität, klare Strukturen, systematisch-logisches Ineinandergreifen der Systemanteile z.B. in den Gelenken.
In den Körperflüssigkeiten wie beispielsweise im Blut findet man den Ausgleich zwischen Rhythmen von Aufgeregtheit und Ruhe. Arterielles Blut bewegt sich schnell, venöses Blut langsamer. In den Organen sitzen tiefe Gefühle und zeigen sich in unterschiedlichen Qualitäten (ein nervöser oder träger oder gut arbeitender Darm, ein offenes, weites, trauriges, liebendes Herz etc.) Body-Mind Centering eröffnet auch den Zugang zu Körpersystemen, die wir bisher wenig beachtet haben oder uns unbekannt waren. Ist die Tür zu einem Körpersystem erst einmal geöffnet worden, kann es wieder aktiviert werden: neue Bewegungen werden erforscht, eingefahrene Denk- und Verhaltensspuren können sich erweitern oder verlassen werden und neue bilden sich heraus.
Dadurch können wir uns aus körperlichen Beeinträchtigungen herausbewegen oder durch neugewonnene anatomische Kenntnisse auch gedankliche Perspektiven wechseln, ändern oder erweitern. Das Studium der Körpersysteme geschieht auch durch Berühren- und Berührt-Werden (auch Bewegt-Werden). Dabei wird Wert auf Achtsamkeit und genaue Entwicklung von Berührungsqualitäten gelegt."
Playdate w/ Aaron Cantor (US)
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Separateness vs. Togetherness (Part 2)
"Everything I do is ever good enough for the little tyrant inside me."
Let's listen.
Constant criticism is how it keeps control. When you and I join forces we can come up with ways to overthrow to unjust inner ruler.
Let's do it.
Let's look.
Our bodies and our minds will benefit from this inquiry.
Let's move.
Dissolve the boundaries between life, work and play by cultivating physical intelligence.
Learn to use ground and gravity with an intuitive and playful approach.
Aaron shares his "primal practice" which shakes hands and gives a middle finger to (list is not yet complete):
Kashmir Shaivism, mediation (Taoist, Yogic, and Buddhist), alchemy (eastern and western), Zen, shamanism (Siberian, African, and South American), contemplative prayer (from Judeo-Christian mystical traditions) cybernetics, neuro-linguistic programing, psychoanalysis, Bohemian dialogue.
Separateness vs. Togetherness (Part 1)
In case you wondered why Aaron from Boston is here so often: Lovely Tiffany Kappeler (they met at his workhop in Zurich 2017) and him share an intense and exciting bond.
In this playdate they very playfully share their approach on how they practice creating borders, boundaries and lines whilst creating intimacy, contracts and trust at the same time.
Expect (partnering) games in the realms of theater, performance and improvisation.
* * * * * * * *
PLAYDATE is about mobility and creativity with movement games and moving meditations. It interconnects physical, mental and emotional levels into a holistic experience.
Weekly Workshops.
Alternating Teachers.
Join the FB Group “Playdate Group”
- Tuesdays 19.30 - 21.00
- CHF 25.-
- Drop-in class
Hotel Greulich
Herman's Wohnzimmer
8004 Zürich
Playdate w/ André Duarte (BRA) - Part 2
Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Play-fight - Part 2
Let's explore play-fight as a method to reconnect to our body’s knowledge (embodiment) and to others. During a play-fight session we can witness a myriad of emotions arising, during pair work, and because we deal with them from a different perspective (non-verbal approach), participants frequently report having insights, during the practice that helps them with real life situations.
In this second meeting we will start looking into some principles that permeate our body and mind, that are extremely helpful when applied to our human interactions, be it in play-fight or our daily lives.
relaxation / no tension
breathe awareness
flow state
acceptance / non-resistance
Playdate w/ Lyn Wahu
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Slow and steady
Let's explore the principles of being slow and steady.
Within a hyper(re)active society, can slowness become a tool of resistance and strength?
How can we create space to let our busy brains relax and learn from the eternal wisdom of our bodies?
An internal focus of balance between action and reaction will lead us through movement, partnering exercises and relaxation. An open and playful approach encourages intuitive choice making and hopefully lots of sweaty fun.
Lyn is a contemporary dancer and (long durational) performance artist based in Zurich. She is educated at Copenhagen Contemporary Dance School and the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm.
Her movement practice is deeply rooted in the fascination for the intelligence of the body and the believe to turn the hierarchy between body and mind upside down.
After an intensive period of reperforming Marina Abramović’s work she is now busy creating and researching her own work in Zurich.
Separateness vs. Togetherness (Part 1)
In case you wondered why Aaron from Boston is here so often: Lovely Tiffany Kappeler (they met at his workhop in Zurich 2017) and him share an intense and exciting bond.
In this playdate they very playfully share their approach on how they practice creating borders, boundaries and lines whilst creating intimacy, contracts and trust at the same time.
Expect (partnering) games in the realms of theater, performance and improvisation.
* * * * * * * *
PLAYDATE is about mobility and creativity with movement games and moving meditations. It interconnects physical, mental and emotional levels into a holistic experience.
Weekly Workshops.
Alternating Teachers.
Join the FB Group “Playdate Group”
- Tuesdays 19.30 - 21.00
- CHF 25.-
- Drop-in class
Hotel Greulich
Herman's Wohnzimmer
8004 Zürich
Playdate with André Duarte (BRA) - Part 1
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Play-fight Part 1
In this playdate we are going to explore play-fight as a method to reconnect to our body’s knowledge (embodiment) and to others. During a play-fight session we can witness a myriad of emotions arising, during pair work, and because we deal with them from a different perspective (non-verbal approach), participants frequently report having insights, during the practice that helps them with real life situations.
The practice is physical, yet it is crafted to accommodate every one, regardless of their background.
Wear comfortable clothes and bring knee pads if possible.
André Duarte is an international embodiment teacher and certified Pilates instructor. He has almost 30 years of experience, practicing and researching various African-Brazilian embodiment traditions as well as martial arts. He is the founder of The Art of Playing, through which he creates opportunities for modern people to remember and celebrate their potential for peace, empathy and creativity.
Playdate w/ Reut Nahum (ISR)
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Intense physical x meditative state
How to facilitate ourselves in a common space while using different tasks based on a vocabulary of physical methods: contemporary dance, improvisation, flow and breath.
Sweat, breath, relax.
Playdate w/ Aaron Cantor (US) pt. 1 & 2
Wednesday, October 31, 2018 & Wednesday, November 7, 2018
A satisfying menu:
Playfight games
BJJ games
Movement games
Storytelling - entertaining and educational.
Light, sweaty and fun.
Playdate w/ Sylvie Chen (CN)
Tuesday, October 23, 2018
Opening 7 Senses
Join Sylvie for a unique experience.
- joyful spiral movements
- ancient meditations and performance techniques
- travel from the past to future with mind and body
- playfighting games in duo
- "i love myself " massage with surprising spirals
Playdate w/ David Nyffenegger
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
"The more expensive the toy, the cheaper the mover!“
Ido Portal
Konzept und den Gebrauch von „low tech tools“ in der eigenen Bewegungspraxis - Grundsätzlich handelt es sich dabei um Objekte ohne spezifischen Anwendungsanspruch, die in der Regel leicht zu beschaffen und eben auch günstig sind.
Wir eignen uns in Solo- und Partnerübungen einen spielvollen Umgang mit Tennisbällen und Holzstäben an, zur Gestaltung einer diversen und nachhaltigen Bewegungspraxis.
Gefördert werden dabei die Beweglichkeit, Koordination, Motorik, Mindset und Kraft, ohne dass diese Sphären getrennt voneinander beansprucht werden.
Bitte, falls vorhanden, bringt eure eigenen Tennis- (oder ähnliche) Bälle und Holzstäbe (min. 1m) mit, da mein Bestand je nach Teilnehmeranzahl nicht ausreicht.
Playdate w/ James Bailey
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Revisit your inner child
What to expect:
Through the expression of our physicality we can develop our awareness and deepen our understanding of ourselves. This is for people who are interested in movement practices that cross disciplines. We will explore moving together in familiar and unfamiliar ways, to look at the way we do things differently and feel good in our bodies.
"I’ve been fascinated by physicality since I can remember. Through spending many years training in different modalities, strength training, dance, Olympic weightlifting, sprinting, some martial arts, I learnt much about how the body works and how to change things in the body. Through various injuries I delved deeper into rehab, physical therapy and this lead me to massage and bodywork practice. I trained in the UK in sports and clinical massage, also training in traditional Thai massage in Thailand and being exposed to many other modalities of bodywork. I use many tools to achieve whatever result I’m looking for. Including shamanic rituals and practice within the context of therapy. I specialise in dealing with chronic pain, trauma, rehab, and generally making the body work better and feeling better in it."
James Bailey is a clinical and sports massage therapist, movement specialist, shamanic bodyworker, and performance artist.
Playdate w/ Kevin Eichenberger
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Gentle Warrior Movement Class
Two-time Swiss kickboxing champion Kevin Eichenberger introduces his playful approach to humble and effective fighting!
What to expect:
- interactive movement exercises
- philosophy of fighting through movement
- teach and learn at the same time
- sweat and fun
Playdate w/ Aaron Cantor (US)
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Aaron Cantor is an embodiment teacher, a movement catalyst and physical intelligence instigator. Over many years, he created Primal Practice, an innovative way to support wellness through playfully developing mindfulness and movement skills. He lives in Western Massachusetts, USA with his boys Bodhi and Jasper and teaches workshops around the world.
Primal Practice is an intuitive, playful practice that draws from multiple yoga, martial, meditation and movement disciplines for inspiration and insight. Dissolve the boundaries between life, work and play. Be robust and resilient. Learn to use ground, gravity and your own one-of-a-kind design to become a fully capable, comfortable, creative and confident human animal. This practice focuses on cultivating your innate physical intelligence so you can adapt and thrive in any situation.
Aaron has spent over 15 years collecting, creating, contemplating and refining the material he presents in his workshops. He is grateful to his many friends and mentors who have shared so much with him.
Playdate w/ David Suivez
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
↓ WHAT ↓
Movements appearing like dance, yoga or martial arts
- Partnergames
- Basic movement
- Open Jam
↓ WHY ↓
Research into the invisible/visible for ourselves and by washing our internal/external eyes to see things fresh again, less decorated by the experiences we carry.
Free of charge (this time)
Bring your friends, frenemies and family.
Playdate w/ Julia Kannewischer
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Movement for your organs: LIVEr / LEBEr
‘YES’ - I was screaming from the top of my... liver!
How to access to the energetic anatomy of the liver?
In this 90min we’re going to explore the characteristics and energetic potential of this specific organ.
I will be guiding you through movement techniques, dancing, repetitive patterns, sequences through space and improvisational tasks – a natural result of practicing for/with/through your liver.
About Julia:
Trained as a contemporary dancer and yoga teacher, Julia researches the inner organs with intense dedication. Inspired by the teachings of TCM she translates the accumulated knowledge into a physical practice.
Playdate w/ Theresa Strack
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
"We are not learning HOW to do it - we just do it!"
- Contact Impro
- Playfight
- Impro Theater
- Active Meditation
- Fun.
Theresa's approach an Kreativität erfindet sich durch alle möglichen und unmöglichen Bereiche von Ausdruck: über TV, Theater, Impro, Holzhauerei - Präsenz steht im Mittelpunkt.
- Integraler Coach CIS
- Head of Content bei Mediafisch AG (SRF, SAT1, 3+ etc)
- seit 20 Jahren als Schauspielerin/Regisseurin/Produzentin in der TV/Theater und Filmbranche
Playdate w/ Tiffany Kappeler
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
This 90min class is where you connect to your own style of movement, guided by Tiffany. Think yoga with music, except you are creating your own poses and they flow as you listen to what your body needs. We will tune into and work with different layers of the body. We keep our eyes open, curious and sensitive to our internal world, while staying connected to the outer world.
We tune into the water of our bodies, the weight of our parts, the space between flesh and bones.
We become aware of where we hold unnecessary tension.
We look at our own personal movement language.
We discover our passion to move.
We become delicate.
We recognise our force.
We listen to the flow of energy and information throughout our body.
We experience freedom and pleasure in our own way, with comfortable clothes, music.
Each person with himself and within the group.
Playdate w/ Sylvie Chen (CN)
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
Partnering Games / Play Fighting Workshop
Playdate w/ Alicia Alvarado Aguilera
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Contact Improvisation: Floorwork
In this class we are going to explore the space that holds us day and night throughout our lives: the floor! We are going to use contact improvisation techniques to explore pathways to softly spiral down towards the floor, we will roll and flow on the floor, and on other moving bodies. The class will consist with a short arriving, centering and loosening up warm up, followed by floorwork exercises and will end with a short CI jam to put in practice what we’ve learned!
About Alicia:
Alicia is an interdisciplinary social anthropologist who focuses on dance and embodiment and the social dynamics that happen in a non-linear and non-verbal context. Dancing contact improvisation and organising interdisciplinary, body, dance & movement related events has been one of her life passions and she now combines her interest in dance, embodiment and anthropology whilst facilitating playful, meditative workshops.
Playdate w/ Hansueli Lerch
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Hansueli ist 54 und befasst sich seit 1973 mit Schwingen. Er ist Chemieingenieur, forscht und doziert an der ZHAW.
Sein Interesse gilt der Bewegung in Tanz und Kampf, Wirkung von Kraft und Impuls - im Fokus: Spass und Lust an Movement.
Wir befassen und dabei mit Bewegungsabläufen die vom Schwingen inspiriert sind. Wir suchen am Boden nach geeigneten Rotationsachsen, spielen mit dem Schwerpunkt, lassen uns von der Erdgravitation helfen, um einen Körper mit minimalem Impuls in eine dynamische Bewegung zu versetzen.
Playdate w/ Julia Kathriner
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Fall in Desire!
Von A nach B kommen.
Einen Elephant sehen, schwarze Haare.
In ein Loch.
Playdate w/ Aaron Cantor (US)
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
In this open class/workshop we will research different subjects:
*Modulate tone in your body
*Harness momentum
*Skillfully run the forces of ground and gravity through your system
*Amplify awareness of your “inner body”
Playdate w/ Elia Fonti
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Interplay of Aikido, Tango and Rhythm elements to explore body connection, body communication and comfort in the flow in a playful atmosphere.
Play-Fight meets Contact Impro Jam
Hey Dancer! Hey Mover!
This is your opportunity to get a touch and feel of Bruno Caverna's Play-Fight Workshop: Come and contact-impro dance with the workshop attendees, soak up the vibes and let yourself become inspired.
Zack Bernstein will lead a short CI inspired warm-up, reviewing the contact impro principles and after that: let's ride the waves...
Join the Jam! Bring your friends!
Hauptsaal (3. Stock)
Tanzhaus Zürich
Wasserwerkstr. 129
8004 Zürich
CHF 30.- / Pay at the door.
(Free entry for MM attendees/alumnis)